Habt ihr eure Grundsteuererklärung schon gemacht?
Jeder der eine Immobilie hat, hat diesen Brief gekriegt, wegen der Grundsteuererklärung beim Finanzamt. Habt ihr die Erklärung schon gemacht? Werdet ihr sie machen? Macht ihr sie selbst oder lasst ihr sie machen?
I did it, and I got angry again. Approximately three quarters of all information are already available to the tax office in electronic form – they have written me a letter with a piece number and address. Nevertheless, I had to enter all this manually, and for the address of my wife I could not simply cross “as above” but had to insert the address data a second time. I should then read out the electronically available ground level value from Boris and insert it into Elster – so I imagine EDV on foot:-(
Just a quarter of an hour? Rather more (because of the grandiose scheduling, I had to check again and again whether the ground value is now in Boris). With 20 million tax returns, 5 million hours of working time were wasted here.
With a fraction of it you could have written a user-friendly Elster module.
Yeah, I did. About Elster. Something tricky!
It was very annoying…
It wasn’t so easy and took time. Again and again error messages came. Shit!
I don’t know if it’s true.
Have they made for my father, the youth of today can deal with the Internet 😉
And where’s the answer, “Bin just here”?