Habt ihr euer Ernährung umgestellt und gab es einen bestimmten Grund?
Habt ihr euer Ernährung umgestellt und gab es einen bestimmten Grund?
Wenn ja, bitte beschreibt den Grund 😉
Ist es für uns Menschen gefährlich Hunde oder Katzenfutter zu essen oder zum Beispiel nur ein wenig zu probieren?
Beispielhaft zeigt sich dieses Phänomen an meiner Großmutter, die stets genau das zubereitete, was mir besonders gut schmeckte und auch heute noch schmeckt. Ebenso beobachte ich bei anderen älteren Menschen eine Vorliebe für bestimmte Süßigkeiten wie Werthers Original oder nimm2 usw Warum ist das so? 😃
Moin hab ausversehen 5 scheiben schimmelbrot gegessen muss ich zum Arzt? Oder geht das von alleine wieder weg😂😂
The first time in 2013. then simply for the reason that I felt super uncomfortable in my body and wanted to lose weight. I have kept this diet to a very large extent until today. Then again January 2019 in vegetarian and January 2021 on vegan. Both subsequent conversions always based on the first.
Since 2013, I have not been talking about fast food, no soft drinks, no sweets, no final dishes and generally nothing with added sugar or massive fat. For this, freshly cooked daily with plenty of vegetables and low fat.
I have never eaten unhealthy or “bad” and was never overweight. I have never had a disease that requires special dietary measures. But now at an advanced age, I must realize that intuitive food is no longer sufficient for weight regulation. It’s a thumb treasure, let’s get this or that away. The average woman with beginning/center 50 has a BMI of 27kg/m2 – I am not willing to accept that. Therefore, I have been actively struggling for almost 2 years to reduce weight and maintain the desired weight. Of course, a changeover to plant-concrete food, calorie counting and more movement is essential.
Yeah, I did.
I just wanted to feed myself more naturally. So, as far as possible, as is naturally intended for people.
Yes I weighed a few kilos too much and have diet together with the girlfriend since about. 3 months completely changed – we now count calories and the weight loss works so far wonderful.
We feed much more consciously and, above all, healthier — even the portions are automatically smaller.