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4 months ago

Yeah, I used to. That was because I listened too much to someone who complained about my feelings.


I don’t know exactly what I did about it or what helped it. I remember talking to my mother about it.

I also believe that I just kept more to myself, was honest with myself, the person was contradicted and remained with me. I stayed myself.

But it can be, or I also believe there has been more. I can’t remember.

I felt like this a couple of times after or/and in a fight. Just give yourself an understanding, be there for you, feel with yourself and smile in the mirror. Look in the eyes. With honest emotions. Having not done before, I do not think at least I can no longer remember and meanwhile I do it on every occasion; look into the mirror and so on. Build a connection to yourself. Talk to you. Be with you. Then you will automatically become more independent of the opinions of others and more joyful. That’s what I’m doing.

Maybe it helps you to watch Laserluca or Paluten on YouTube. Laserluca has helped many and me in bad mental situations and Paluten is also an unbelievably sympathetic YouTuber!

I hope this can help you!

Your Hermine 🤍

4 months ago

I had the last feeling in my training when I had to do stupid work.

I always thought if I was trying and working quickly, that would stop because I would have more time to do more exciting things. Suprise: That was not the case. I should have been working more slowly and more often on the toilet.

what helped?

Depends on the context and what was already tried.

I only know the feeling of private ironing. What helps to iron, no idea. Unfortunately, the laundry does not come into my closet without wrinkles 😛

4 months ago
Reply to  Kiwi5ccc

Wingardium Leviosa 🪄💫✨

4 months ago

I’ve got it every day and I’ve got it very extreme.

I feel lonely, dismissed and just left.

But you get used to it

But I hope you don’t have to get used to it

4 months ago
Reply to  RandomKidAsk2


4 months ago

Again and again, some days I don’t know what drives me. But somehow it has to go on.

4 months ago

Always and sometimes I don’t know what motivates me. Like a robot. It has to go on.