Habt ihr euch schonmal selbst Beschenkt?
Nun zu Weihnachten zum Beispiel.
Da ich an den Festtagen meistens arbeite und der Großteil meiner Familie nicht hier wohnt, ist natürlich nicht soviel mit Geschenken. Da ich in den letzten Monaten aber sehr viel gearbeitet habe, dachte ich ich mache mir selbst ein Geschenk.
Ich habe mir also eine Mystery Lootbox von Lootchest bestellt für 100€ die Ich am 24 Abends oder 25 morgens öffnen werde.
Habt ihr euch selbst auch schon einmal was Geschenkt? oder findet ihr soein Verhalten eher traurig?
habt einen schönen Tag
I always fulfill my wish on my birthday and Christmas and give it to myself.
Okay 🙂 I thought I was weird
No, you’re not.
I haven’t spoken directly to myself yet.
Often I do something special in the Christmas season. I just find it the right time for the gift purchase and to make yourself a pleasure.
I’m permanent. This year with an Alpha 6700 body and a GoPro 12.
Last year it was a RTX3090 and a DJI Mini
I do this more often because my family doesn’t understand my wishes. That’s why our parents usually get Christmas money because they don’t know what we’d buy.
I’m actually talking all year round.
My job is demanding, I deserve good, so I enjoy something.
This is what I do next year Was there a new PC a new Oled TV etc
I regularly give myself what or do I not give it to myself, but I just buy myself the things I want to have myself. Because I can’t ask my partner or my parents or friends that they spend 400€ for a kitchen machine for me or buy me games for the shock of 70 € or new cookbooks from them and I have already plenty of them, etc.
I bought flowers for my birthday for the last 3 years, so yes.
IdR I would like a lady on my birthday for Christmas, I have now given myself an Audi TT RS.
I keep doing this.
I was talking to a dishwasher.
You can always use it