Habt ihr euch schonmal mit einer Kassiererin gestritten?
Oder kam es zu einer Diskussion?
Oder kam es zu einer Diskussion?
Hi Leute habt ihr Vorschläge was man in der Woche ab 20 Uhr (außer Kino) noch machen kann mit Freunden?
Hallo ich bin 19/W und nehme die Pille (Kleodina). Ich hab ab den Zeitpunkt an dem ich sie genommen hab (mit 14) ständige Probleme mit Übelkeit gehabt. Mir wurde gesagt ich soll mich nicht so anstellen und das das am Anfang normal ist wegen den Hormonen. Ich hab sie mit 17 für ne längere Zeit…
Hallo ich hatte grad streit mit meinen Vater. Ich bin 16 Jahre alt und meine Eltern nehmen mir jeden Tag das Handy und andere elektronische Geräte weg. Ich habe gesagt dass ich mein Laptop brauche weil ich für Geschichte lernen muss aber meine Eltern glauben mir nicht. Ich habe irgendwie mein Laptop bekommen aber ich…
Hallo, ich habe heute mein Bluntergebnise bekommen von meinem Frauenarzt da ich seid 2 Monaten nicht meine Periode hatte. Ich bin 16 und leide leider auch unter Übergewicht, und mir wurde gesagt das ich männliche Hormone habe und Verdacht auf pco habe , hab jetzt eine Überweisung zum Endokrinologe bekommen , ich wollte fragen wie…
Mein Bruder und ich waren am Samstag im McDonalds. Dann war da ein kleines Kind und schrie ganzezeit rum. Dann sagte ich leise: Ich hasse Babys. Dann sagte mein Bruder: Wenigstens hat er bis zu seinem 14. Lebensjahr nicht ins Bett gemacht. Das hatte mich getroffen. Ich konnte nichts dafür unter dem ganzen psychischen Stress…
No, but if she’s comforting, picking herself up and the queue becomes extremely long and then she’s muttering such an “indebtedness” at some point, I usually answer very loudly “No problem, I don’t have anything to do this weekend” – and I also like to say that on a Monday, the looks after it are often unpaid.
DEIN Look would probably also be invaluable if you’re not in the best form for a day or even hit health and your boss sounds: “No problem, I haven’t done anything this weekend”…
Of course, as we both know trödel die nie, are always striving and every mistake goes solely to the customer’s fault and for us is certainly considered to be a definition under “customer friendliness”…
I mean that humorous, yes, and you’ve already wanted to say goodbye, so I wonder if you really do what you say here this time!
You call that humorous??? Who are you so that you’re surrounded with other people…
Besides, I do not do anything, but this word choice speaks volumes…
No, I’m not overwhelmed and don’t need any help…
Say goodbye, have better things to do…
I think you have serious problems making such a thing from a humorous contribution from me here, I think your work overwhelms you, seek help, really!
I don’t need a grief, but probably you have a very own attitude towards other people, otherwise you wouldn’t write like that.
As I said, I also see a person in a cashier and understand if this person has a bad day – you obviously don’t.
I don’t mix anything here, but I just wanted to tell you that there are worse things in life than waiting a little longer at a cashier, but you don’t understand…
Are you serious?
What you have to see at your work in bad things has nothing to do with the supermarket fund. If you want to mix your impressions here, this is your problem, but does not make cashier more competent or faster. I’m sorry for you, you have to find a place of grief somewhere else.
I don’t have a problem – yes, maybe during the evening, but I hope not.
It takes you to see bad pictures at the accident site – especially when children are affected…
Maybe you should do something for your fellow human beings, go to the voluntary rescue service for over thirty years, and you’ll learn that there’s worse in life than waiting for a few minutes at a checkout…
Maybe my attitude comes to other people, but you might not be able to understand that…
Eben, I don’t know where your problem is, maybe I’d rather pick it up every time or call the boss to complain? I’d rather like to be mentally-humorous, maybe that’s what the intelligents do.
Oh, you, I experience a lot, but I am very pleased that you are in top form every day and therefore, of course, have the right to criticise others…
Another beautiful evening and greetings
But many people, including those at the checkout, often stand out and unmotivated, as you must often experience.
Yeah, well, I’m going to go because I’m still shopping fast after the service, then change the uniform and then work volunteers for a few hours…
Nevertheless, in my eyes no machine sits at the checkout, but a person…
I irritate when unnecessary time is spliced and the queue reaches the moon….
Of course I know very well what you’re talking about… I’ve read it.
But if here jmd. writes that he is very loud: “No problem, I haven’t said anything this weekend” and that the looks after it are often unpaid, then that’s enough for me…
just if you don’t have time, you should know what I’m talking about….
So I’m working and I don’t have the time to watch a cashier all day…
Okay, maybe you have this time and, if not, it can only be a snapshot in logical consequence…
No, why not? She just does her job and, by the way, can’t make anything more expensive.
Many do not understand this and have to blame others for it.
M / 19
Hasn’t had a reason yet
Yes why
No, I haven’t, and I don’t know any reason to argue.
Even if the cashier was to be noticeably slow, that would not be a reason for me, because even cashiers are people and not machines, and everyone has a bad day or has been hit healthily.
That’s it.
My card was overridden, so I couldn’t pay. Wanted to call the bank to clear this up and unlock the card. No big deal, I thought.
The cashier, on the other hand, was immediately unrestrained, didn’t want to make me call, has given me all sorts of downgrading (blabla, imm the same with “solchen”, what I want here if I can’t afford it anyway, blabla) and has what the police call…
Yeah, she thought I wanted to fuck her, but I didn’t want to.
Then I fucked her and said, “Can I talk to the manager?” and I had to laugh more.
Then I thought I’d be over, we’d buy, pay, and when we go out, she’ll call me behind, the managing director has time for her, like as a drone.
As if I were afraid, I can’t do it.
This has already occurred because it has calculated too much for me, although some products were cheaper on offer. 🙁
What you don’t have to let down! If this is proven \./
not yet disputed, more often discussed.
Mostly it was about deviations… wrong amount, wrong price…
No, I didn’t argue.
Only pointed out that the article had the wrong price, which was then corrected.
You can also solve this kindly 😉
No, but an employee had thrown me and a colleague out, because we drove around in net with scooters, naturally understandable afterwards 🤣
A few years ago, because I forgot something in the car.
Then there was a discussion if I wanted to steal it.
Good evening, JMsummer.😊
No, with us in Bavaria, the cashiers are polite and nice, there is no reason to argue.
This is actually different in Hesse….
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Well! ^
But hello.
Egg, I am aach.
I’m the one of Hesse! âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ âTM¥ â
Discussions? Last year we bought 4 kiwis, but we were charged with hand-input their 44. We only noticed the error at home. The next day I spoke with the cash bonus in the branch.
My daughter was also charged with 11 herbs once in school. I couldn’t believe that. 😉
… and until she believed that 40 x 80 raids were 32 francs. Finally, the amount was still reimbursed.
In a shoe shop, the shoes were too narrow in width and also half a number too short.
The saleswoman, who also then cashed, claimed that the shoes would widen, stretch, then they would also give in length.
So I didn’t want to sell myself for stupid, and I kindly asked to see in the PC if there were half a number bigger that shoe.
Then I was snuck in that she’s the specialist that I know my feet, was spoken down. I asked her to check her tone, but it escalated.
Well, I didn’t buy anything.
No, I haven’t happened yet.
Yeah, I once bought a bread at Penny, but only at home, it was already hidden from below. I was so pissed and I guess I had a little reaction.
Did you go back?
Yes, the fight or better the coup was at our second meeting.
No, never.
I have never been
No, it hasn’t had a reason yet and doesn’t want to risk a house ban. Anyone who threatens the staff with his lawyer and dismissal did not deserve anything other than to get a house ban.
No, never.
I had bought a CD there, I dragged it around with me at the next purchase, whereupon the cashier accused me of stealing it.
No, I’d be too stupid…
No, I didn’t.
No, I’ve never fought with a cashier.
No! Gab/don’t give anything I remember now! o_O
Don’t worry, why you should argue with a cashier…
I’ve been thinking for a while, but I don’t mind. I don’t remember
No, no reason so far