Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Krücken?
Morgen, mich würden mal euere Erfahrungen mit Krücken interessieren. Wie man sich so vor anderen Menschen fühlt und wie diese einen anschauen, gerne auch dazu wie es dazu gekommen ist auf Krücken zu laufen. Ausführliche Antworten gewünscht. MFG
After an accident, I had to go to Krücken for several months, if someone looked, I don’t know, because I didn’t care. Because in such a situation one has other worries than the looks of strangers.
For example, on the bus, it is not self-evident to stand up and for someone who cannot run properly to make a place free.
Had an accident, too, and with the ankle problem… some time before and after the surgery had to go with crutches.
Sure, that was a restriction, actually had to carry a backpack with me, transporting food was doof… but it was okay. As a result, I managed very well with it.
I’ve got some times when I can’t walk with my feet.
I always find it brutally exhausting because the arms and hands hurt. Otherwise, that’s what’s going on.
How do you mean you can’t walk with feet?
After several fractures in the lower back area, I also had to go on crutches! But as others see, I’ve never been interested.
Hey had to run a few weeks this year with crutches (Bein broken) the first days it was already funny and thought that I was getting hit with it, but that went by quickly. The least notice that at all. Also with axles