Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit der LVR Klinik in Mönchengladbach?
Hallo Leute, möchte mich ,,gerne“ in die LVR Klinik in Mönchengladbach einweisen lassen, habe gehört dass da viele belästigt und Vergewaltigt wurden, stimmt das? Habe Angst, dass mir das auch passiert..
clearly in a psychiatric clinic, patients are always raped. Is there a source or someone who heard it from someone?
in the reviews it was that it probably happened more often.
yes, with such reviews you must also be careful. Some are not positively linked to the clinic. Because who wants to go in there voluntarily. There are also forced instructions and so on. O.k. If you get a diagnosis that advises it, then yes. Makes sense. I’m with you too and wonder if that’s necessary. Sometimes it is also an escape from the parent house (conflict) or friend (conflict). Finally, you should use such a facility. I only know the clinic near me, because a relative is dement, in which case you have to go there. Because it doesn’t work anymore. I wish you better!