Do you have any experience? How much does a ceramic filling cost?

If I asked my doctor if I could have a ceramic filling instead of an amalgam filling, would my health insurance (AOK) cover the costs? I'm 17 years old.

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1 year ago

No, I always had to pay my mother, but had an additional insurance, from which we got the money back. My last filling cost 58, but varies from dentist to dentist

1 year ago

I think you have to pay for ceramic filling. I was around 40€. But may have changed and also depends on your KK.

But in any case, make a ceramic filling! Evntl pay it to your parents!? You seem to know for sure the amalgam is pure poison! I have had several of them and have been replaced by ceramics for the last few years.

1 year ago

Hello ZeroOfWorld,

a ceramic filling, i.e. a ceramic inlay costs from 500 €, but can also become twice as much.

Did your dentist suggest a plastic filling or composite filling? It would be much cheaper.

Good luck!


1 year ago
Reply to  ZeroOfWorld

So am I.

1 year ago

Take Amalgam, this is still the best material for baking teeth.

It’s better than his reputation – and free.