Habt ihr Erfahrung mit Luvyna Pille?

Hallo zusammen! Ich nehme seit 2 Wochen die Pille Luvyna. Hat jemand von euch eine Erfahrung damit und welche Nebenwirkungen habt ihr? Danke! 🙂

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1 year ago

At this point, a look into the package leaflet of your pill helps you – which one should be noticed by the way when taking any medication best beforehand.

Because there are all “experiences” that are based on serious studies and are far more meaningful than the subjective opinions or mutations of individuals here in an anonymous Laienforum.

Like all medicines, any pill can also cause undesirable side effects in addition to the desired effect, for which it may come – but does not have to.

With “modern” antibaby pills (as well as your Luvyna with Dienogest), which promise a therapeutic progress, the risk of life-threatening thromboses is increased to pills of the 1st and 2nd generation with Levonorgestrel.

In addition, it should be noted that the risk of thrombosis in pregnancy is a multiple higher.

In the first month of intake, up to tenth woman complains about headaches, nausea, vomiting, weight gain due to water retention in the tissues and chest tensions. These complaints are based on the estrogen content of the pill.

The stagnation is responsible for increased appetite, fatigue, altered feeling of pleasure, acne and skin changes. With about 1 of 100 women, depressive detunements can occur.

Major side effects associated with the use of Luvyna® are described in Section 2. ”What to consider before taking Luvyna®” described in the usage information.

You will see what effects or complaints you may have.

These complaints usually improve after an adjustment phase. If they are too burdensome or if there is no improvement even after three months, you should discuss with your female physician whether another pill or even a non- hormonal contraceptive is better suited for you.

Happy for you!

1 year ago

This is the Valette/Maxim/Velafee and many other names. It’s been over 20 years. I had them too, I had them very well.