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Yes already Redbull and the whole other
Hello Liviamoser8201, 👋
…. I don’t know why I’m such
should drink unhealthy sugar waters…
I don’t need that stuff
to taste, because it tastes me anyway
not… and even if I like it
I would, I would
do not drink anyway. 😆
LG 🙋🏻
Mountain Dew, even before my accident.
That was orange. It tastes like rubber bears
I tried the stuff at the beginning/end of the 1980s when it first came out. There was only Red Bull at that time.
I love redbull
Hi, Liviamoser8201.
In the circle of friends, the normal Red Bull.
I can’t win this, and I only drink it when I get it.
Wouldn’t like to deny that, for the sake of courtesy.
Greetings, Renate.
Once I drank Rockstar Energy, the can was light blue with orange. Didn’t taste me.
Because I really didn’t know what to do.
Not really
All kinds of RedBull to Monster up to no name Brands
It’s okay
But what?
Flying Horse, Mega Man, Effect, Rockstar Purple, Red Bull
Many… The only ones that actually taste me, the Acao.
too unhealthy
Because it already smells disgusting.
I also find that