habt ihr einen PC oder Laptop zuhause?
was ist für euch besser?
Ich habe meine Mehrfachsteckdose schon an einem Verlängerungskabel angeschlossen und würde jetzt mein 1000 Watt Netzteil für meinen Gaming pc an der Mehrfachsteckdose anschließen + Monitor ect. Gibt das genug Strom?
Hallo, Mir ist immer wieder aufgefallen das mein Pc selbst bei kleineren Spielen wie Roblox Temperaturen von bis zu 81-83 Grad erreicht hat wobei ich nicht weiß ob das so Gesund ist. Ich habe die Seite des Gehäuses Offen damit der Airflow ein wenig besser ist, jedoch änderte es das ganze um nur 1 Grad….
An was erinnert euch der Mac Pro? Schreibt es als Antwort. Die Lösung, welchen Spitzname er wirklich hat, habe ich unten verlinkt. Denkt ihr auch zufällig an das: []
Kann mir jemand ein großes ATX Case,wo also auch 3x Grafikkarten(TUF GPU’s) reinpassen ind 240 oder 360er AIO’s,was noch relativ schlicht aussieht,für so 40-50€ empfehlen?
hi ich würde gerne wissen welche die besten und das ist mir wichtig die schönsten sind budget ist erstmal egal brauche drei normale und 1 reverse lüfter hätte erst an lian li gedacht habt ihr noch andere vorschläge
Ich versuche schon seit einer Weile bei meinem profilaussteller auf Steam die zusätzlichen Errungenschaften irgendwie zu entfernen, aber ich bekomm es nicht hin bzw ich weiß gar nicht ob das überhaupt geht. Geht es wenn ja wie? Falls ihr nicht wisst was ich meine – siehe Bild
Hello dear,
Of course, a laptop is better for traveling. At home, a stand calculator for me, if you have the appropriate space for it.
However, if you do not shock, a laptop is usually more than sufficient.
Best regards
Please don’t let the rainbow flag hang out. Thank you.
Some people like to show tolerance. 😉
Laptop. It’s easier to bring. And I can also work on the go, watch movies or do other things.
PC and laptop.
However, the PC is my favorite; because I have a nice large screen here, a “right” keyboard with good defined stop and a more current processor with reasonable memory.
PCs (mac Mini).
I can’t start with laptops. It’s too small and lazy.
I have a gaming PC at home, but for on the go an office laptop
Both of them, but the PC is “stilled”.
The laptop is perfect to work mobile or do things. Don’t need a PC anymore, to zoom the PS5.
can be made more easily and adapted to individual performance requirements.
It is easier to cool and thus quieter.
Desktop PC and laptop are in use with me.
Laptop and tablet where I mainly use the tablet.
PC due to several factors.
By the way, a laptop is also a PC …
I prefer the desktop PC
Two PCs and Multiple Laptops
I have both and a tablet and of course a smartphone.
have only notebooks for about 20 years.
is enough for my activities and I am mobile with it.
I have both and I find the PC better.
PC. has more power.
Since the question only came similar yesterday and answered several questions,
only that it is completely different to what you use GF and not what you use as a whole.
GF can also be used with mobile phone, my work is more painful by handy
Do you honestly think that makes a difference? I don’t change my medium for GF and I don’t bet 95%.
You write about work, you’re not home there is clear that the medium can change… Especially when you want to visit GF at work? I don’t think so.
Öh – I also work a lot from home, so no, the medium does not change. I use a desktop both privately and at work.
It is also possible to use it as desired for all other purposes – this was just a suitable example
But yes, it makes a huge difference. Grade if you want to zock or use certain software/must.
Since the large part answered with “Handy” to the other question, this doesn’t answer for a long time if they use a laptop or PC at home.
The other question and its answer is therefore very irrelevant and uninteresting for this question.
What do you want to visit GF once? I don’t think I should say,” I’m not quite understandable. What does this have to do with the subject?