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Ex Rennpferd?
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It was riding for many years. I had a horse for 40 years. Unfortunately, my last mare died last March with almost 25 in her only colic. I had them for 20 years.
After that, I turned my back on riding, I hardly look at it.
It was very long – passive – cycling. I was a fan of Greg Lemond and then of Lance Armstrong. He almost broke my heart and I almost lost interest in cycling when he started flying. NIcht, because I subordinated Armstrong’s successors to Doping, but because I didn’t bring any other racer to the enthusiasm like Lance. However, when I was in Majorca, I still look after the race cyclists I met. But watching the big bike race on TV, I hardly did. I just missed someone I could keep the thumbs. It was a little Bernal. But then, by chance, I saw the time of the Tour 2020 and I noticed a younger pro from Slovenia when the completely unexpected, the fast winner of the Tour, also from Slovenia, took the overall victory away at the very last moment. The young driver himself hadn’t counted. The photo shows the moment he knew.
Since then I followed his start at the Tour de France, although at first still sporadic, but I kept him the thumbs and “hatest” this Danish HInterradlutscher. Since 2023, I have been watching every race he takes part in. In 2024 he won practically everything. He is considered to be a bigger cyclist since Eddie Merckx, perhaps even included Eddie Merckx. (Merckx added it himself)
And I hope this will continue in 2025. “Take the Danes, Pogi, smash him.”
I also like cycling myself, city bike,
Cycling (active)
Football (passive)
Fighting and cross-country skiing
I started running 14 and with Shotokan – Karate, first Dan with 21. In my 10 years as a soldier of two states cross-country skiing – I was a very good half marathon runner – military near combat, parachute jumping. Back in civil life with the end of 20 civilian parachute sports, dragon and paraglider fly and cross-country skiing. At 29 I started with Arnis/Escrima. I’ve been doing it for more than 40 years.
Because it’s so fair, and because there’s a constant tension in it and the situations are constantly changing.
Yes, of course, motor sports.
LG Show1Runner
I like Badminton. Otherwise I like martial arts.
Exercise yourself: tennis, skiing, badminton
View: Tennis
Conducting yourself: tennis, rowing, badminton
View: Ice hockey, Handball
All that has to do with water wind and sun is mega fun.
Chess, table tennis and badminton.
American football because I played my own
With these yellow balls. On mostly red Sansdplatz. In winter on green carpet. And such a racket.
I forgot how to call this sport.
You won. No one else has come
Juhu hahah
No, I didn’t
Yeah, handball and volleyball.
Swimming…or more planning…😌🐥
Climbing and hiking
I’d like to go shoot. With black powder it’s really fun
Football and Boxing
Underwater rugby 😂
Chess, football, pool,
Can you? xD