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Not just box… These often serve only for thirst in between…
I’m not going to finish buying bottles anymore. On the other hand, I can also draw a measure at the bowl 🍻
Thank you very much for ⭐
Would rather say “drink-proof” because even without alcohol it goes seven days in between…
But someone has a huge alcohol problem
Not more. But my consumption is about 800 liters of beer a year… Occasionally my boss will also refuel with me…😁
Very cool, you got a big family? I couldn’t imagine having this private.
I got my 23rd. Birthday bought a box of beer. That was in April 22. He hasn’t gotten empty, and he’s still standing around here.
So technically yes, I’m not a person who has beer at home as standard.
If it were 0.33 bottles, I might have made Radler out of it, but with 0.5 bottles I know how to start nix in everyday life.
If I have guests, they are more interested in my “wine cabinet” than beer.
I like to drink alcohol-free beer because I don’t want to contract alcohol and also don’t want to smell/taste (find that eklig)…but certainly not to the extent that we have a box at home.
We have an empty beer box at home. It serves me as a kind of stool if I have to go back to the top row of my bookshelf.
Of course, on the one hand, I like to drink it myself and on the other hand, friends often come by, who look forward to a cold beer.
Beer never goes out here.
Good evening Singuli,
I don’t have a home at the moment because I only drink beer at special occasions and only in small quantities.
I only buy a box if there are many guests.
No, I’m not a regular beer drinker, but occasionally prefer a glass of wine 🍷 and even that not daily.
Beer is only available if beer drinkers are a guest, and then I drink it.
We always have a box of beer in the house
I don’t drink beer, but other spirits.
Then cross.
But I don’t have a brewery.
So a box is enough for three weeks
But some bottles or cans quite.
Hello, Singuli.
I don’t like beer.
Neither me, nor my partner are beer drinkers.
Yeah, there’s a box of soft beer in the basement.
The evening beer, Hallelujah.
Wasn’t shopping yet.
Then it’s slow time
But a Stiege beer.
I don’t like beer
You’re out!😁
No! Always have 5-6 beers at home! A box would be too little!
I don’t drink alcohol
But I just did!🤣
That’s not for the reasons that are obvious. :
I don’t like beer.
But three boxes of water 💦
It doesn’t matter.
Water is my beer 🍺
I don’t have any alcohol at home.
We only drink my father to beer. We have a box of Warsteiner and a box of Franciscan White Beer home.
Uh…jaa. Carefully asked, would you like to invite yourself? .
Cool, where do you live? 😁
Yeah, that’s a pity, but that’s what I’m with, uh, my cousin, or was it the big aunt? No matter… so, unfortunately, not to be found at home. Sorry!