Habt ihr einen Airfryrer?
Wenn ja, seid ihr zufrieden damit und was bereitet ihr darin alles zu?
Hallo , hab eine Frage ist es okay ein mal pro Woche Fast Food oder Süßigkeiten zu essen ohne eine schlechte Darmgesundheit zu bekommen wenn man sich unter der Woche gesund ernährt ? Altert die Haut wenn es nur ein mal pro Woche ist ?
Was haltet ihr von diesen MUKBANG Videos (vor allem aus Korea)?
Hallo habt ihr mal ausversehen Kirsch Würmer verspeist und wie war das für euch ?
Wie und womit sollte man Nymphensittiche am besten Ernähren? Was ist die beste Ernährung meine ich ☺
in den usa japan australien kanada afrika südamerika isst man sehr selten schweinefleisch. warum so oft in europa?
Yeah, we and we haven’t regretted a second. Everything works better and faster with less power consumption.
there are enough cookbooks and recipes on the Internet.
In any case, we are working almost daily.
Thank you
I’m glad I got the one from big ninja with two compartments. You can prepare two things at the same time. Also gives a large compartment to divide that you can also prepare two things. It has the advantage that you can also prepare big things, but the big compartment is very unhandy for it. That’s why I chose separate subjects. For big things, keep the oven here.
Very nice… we bought the ninja with 2 compartments 2 weeks ago. I’m just trying… so far I’m very happy with it
Yes has one and he is very practical. I wouldn’t want to give him back. From frozen food to sandwiches, I’ve tried everything. Go fast, with less fat and straight chicken wings become very crunchy 🙂
Yeah, we got a word from Breville. It looks like a small oven and can also make extra airfryen cooking, bread toasten, baking, grilling etc. Very practical. It naturally takes a little more space, but you hardly need the large oven.
Yeah, I got one. I’m happy too. In it I do everything possible, from biscuits to vegetables. Very versatile part!
Yeah, we did. Mostly Pommes 😀
Yeah, I did.
Mainly pommes and stuff like fish, fish sticks, …
I’m happy.
No, it’s a stove.
You don’t always want to heat the whole pipe for one portion.