Habt ihr eine Erfahrung in der Schule gemacht die ihr nicht mehr vergessen könnt?
Bitte nur wahre Storys.
Bitte nur wahre Storys.
In letzter Zeit spüre ich, wie mir alles zu viel wird. Diese Welt erscheint mir so grausam, und ich fühle mich von den meisten Menschen unverstanden. Überall sehe ich nur Leid und Schrecken. Der Krieg in der Ukraine beschäftigt mich sehr. Unsichtbares Leid wird sichtbar: Unschuldige Menschen werden ermordet, während viele in Russland selbst keinen…
Gibts einen Aberglauben, den ihr früher für wahr gehalten habt, aber der sich später als totaler Quatsch entpuppt hat? Ich habe lange an diese geglaubt: Wenn man Kaugummi schluckt, bleibt er sieben jahre im Magen Schluckauf hört auf, wenn dich jemand erschreckt Haare wachsen dicker nach, wenn man sie rasiert
Hallo, Ich will morgen ins Kino weshalb ich mein Geburtstagsgeld aus der Box nutzen will allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung wo ich den Schlüssel hingetan habe deshalb wollte ich fragen ob es möglich ist ohne Schlüssel die heute abend noch aufzumachen?
Alos wobei unterstützt die Frau den Mann so und wobei unterstützt der Mann die Frau so?
Mal angenommen ihr habt die Fähigkeit durch die Zeit zu reisen. Was wäre wohl das beste was man damit anfangen kann?
Yeah, I’m laughing about it today.
I had some handwork at school. I was 13/14. I was imaginable for it, and the teacher then only called me “dumb liese” I know this was a diagnosis rather than an insult, but with 13/14 you’re a mimick.
I had a sister-in-law who was a textile designer. She could cut a dress without a cut pattern directly on the body. Once we had to sew a wort in the class. I was naturally overwhelmed and found the Schürze project also saublöd.
The teacher ordered the stupid liese, so to me to take the apron home and line it as a house task. My sister-in-law was at home, she took off my apron and lined it herself. It didn’t even take 5 minutes, including the construction of the sewing machine (which my mother owned),
At the next manual work lesson I showed the work proud of the teacher and she was angry. “I” would have started the hem wrong, she said. Not with a small knot, but by stitching the first 5 cm three or four times with the machine. This naturally made the hem much better than the stupid boy. But the teacher forced the stupid Liese to make this cm again laborious and start with the kill. Unfortunately, I couldn’t admit that I didn’t make the mess, but a full professional. So I’ve listened to her with anger in her stomach.
I told my sister-in-law about it, and she’s got it.
Today I find it funny.
A violent epileptic seizure, a deadly fellow pupil, a fellow pupil, who has committed himself to class violence
Yes, that the class teacher at the primary school told me and a friend that nothing would happen to us.
Educationally very valuable to say two third-party students.
such a guy in my primary school class has chosen a few girls (including me) and has led us behind such a bush on the break farm. he then pulled his pants down and showed us all his kneepi.
I used to be overwhelmed by a subject of teaching and listened to my ears, then the teacher pulled my hands away and insulted me
I’ve been sent to the Rector once, ’cause I got a f*cking Stickers in my booklet!!! Why? French teacher?
I think you can think of the “why,” right?
No, I can’t! A sticker!
I am going to assume that this behaviour has taken on further behaviour and possible carelessness in teaching? Right?
Can’t be, but that’s why the rector?
Still. Your booklet has been neatly guided and there stickers who may even have a violation of the “right to their own image” do not have anything to look for..
A picture of a man whose face was so funny. That’s all. Nothing offensive, nothing forbidden.
What was on the sticker? A text? A picture?