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Has helped me many times, and others have unfortunately lost their lives. Oh, no, they were for themselves.
Once, my lady’s been running out on my car. She waited for me, and we regulated everything without police, as we can under civilized people.
I then got a letter from my insurance, in which the situation was turned around at once, I’m supposed to have the lady on the car. I have contacted my insurance company, addressed the video, transmitted the sequence, and then only received a letter that I no longer have to worry about, that would be the matter of insurance.
Another case has led someone to waive his licence for one year. On the highway at a speed of 100 – zone I overhauled a truck with significantly more than 100. There was a small car in front of this, and another truck. There quickly emerged behind me a car whose light horn was apparently programmed on continuous fire. I didn’t let myself go and continued my overhaul, the car on the right was almost next to me, and the truck was already in “range”. The Hinterman was extremely aggressive, which his back and forth, underlined the constant blinking with the light horn and the ultra-dense rise. In the end, he tried to overtake the right, apparently either not seen the car, or deliberately ignored it. He responded thankfully to God and, even very dangerously, has gone out to the edge strip. I gave gas to clean up the dangerous situation. I then put myself in front of the truck, the aggressive behindman overtakes me, sits in front of me and throws the anchor. I was prepared for that.
My Viedeo system consists of a main camera that filmes forward, an inner camera that, due to the focal length, also allows an outside view on both sides, and a rear camera in the rear window. During the time, I contacted the police, who then took the fellows on the highway to the next parking lot. He denied everything and accused me of impeding him. Then I led the officers to my vehicle and, visible to him, clearly showed the cameras in my car.
The end of the song, ad for dangerous intervention in road traffic and killing. Main negotiation, 8,000 euros fine and one year’s driving license away.
Gold worth it! Thanks for the story! Have also thought to use one in the back, but would probably be too lazy to reload the part each time or would be too expensive to let the part move. :/
But I guess it’s usually enough in front.
Very good that he got his fat off. I can’t.
Can be useful to have a dashcam.
However, Dashcams work both for and against one. However, if you are a mandatory road user, you are more likely to benefit from it.
For me, I still look at it at the moment, as I have not perceived the “war scene highway” which is always propagated in the news so far. And fortunately, we haven’t got Russian relations yet.
If I have money left, that’ll be done. I even had a situation where I could say that one shot would have helped clearly. You know, before the accident happened. (Of course it wasn’t an accident. A woman just crashed on her motor role. But before that was another driver. Both have not touched each other.)
In other situations it would have been helpful to look at it. (For me personally). I once had the fall that I wanted to turn left in a right-wing front road. Just when I wanted to go, a moped was in front of me. Nothing happened. They scared us both. But it was quite interesting to see the picture there.
In principle, I am very positive about the subject and I find it useful for critical situations to have a simple picture in the pocket. In D it is as far as I know a little gray zone but the cameras that only store away at the touch of a button, as far as I know it is simply tolerated. And I’ve heard about reporting where police etc. were really grateful that there was recording.
Once you spend €100 and a calmer conscience in the long term.
Sometimes you can also use them to look after whether you might not behave super in one or the other situation.
Or just save interesting scenes that you just want to look at. Lastly, for example, a flood-like rainfall, which brought the motorway almost to a standstill within <30 seconds.
First rule of course – should you actually have an accident, never mention it on site. First self – possibly with the insurance or lawyer – the material is
that is becoming more and more important, especially it is becoming more and more wild on our roads.
I’ll write this on my wish list for the Christmas.
Knowing that in doubt it can save much trouble and the installation is partly child-friendly, I was too lazy to date..🙄
Yeah, I’ve had the phenomenon for a long time before I finally got one. 😀
I’ve been thinking about whether we could need it (I can’t drive myself) But it always comes back to me saying that we don’t need anything that happens to us too often.
but I’m going to admit one.
I drive a winding route to work and the SUV drivers cut the outdated Nix-More-Merkers, cut my road in the curves (yearly experience) if I hadn’t been careful, it would have come to the bummbang!
Too bad that no car has built-in dashcam So the cops could see the accident scene better than if any drivers accuse each other or worse, lie and win
Tesla vehicles have something to do with me.
Sure is safe.
But I want one.
Yes, in every vehicle, in front and back.
I don’t need it.
Because you don’t drive or why? x)
I’ve been out “without” for the last 40 years and I haven’t even missed one.
At least say until your counterpart is lying and sitting on the damage.
No planned