Habt ihr ein passendes Muttertags-Geschenk?

Hey ihr lieben, ich bin 12 Jahre alt und habe echt keine Idee was ich meiner Mutter zum Muttertag schenken soll. Habt ihr eine Idee? Vielleicht was zu basteln oder zu kaufen? Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.


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3 years ago


Here you can find ideas, I will personally do this with the powder flowers 😀 I will then make a key tag and a plant plug with a paper butterfly on it 😀

3 years ago

A nice letter where you can thank for everything or a flower from the garden or eat lunch cooking or bake a cake

3 years ago


So you can give your mom several things on Mother’s Day. How about you make her a greeting card and send her a message about Whatsapp? (here or simply google ) And then you can pick a small spring bouquet in the garden or on the meadow. Whatever goes and what is favorable are vouchers for cleansing, washing, vacuuming, washing, etc. And surely you have all the ingredients in the house that you can bake a cake.
Otherwise get up early, make the breakfast and pamper your mom all day.

If you should have a lot of money, which I don’t believe with 12 then jewelry or a chain is always a very nice gift.

Whatever goes is a self-painted picture or something to make yourself. At 12 years, it has to be fine, otherwise it’s the age where you don’t make and paint yourself anymore. And maybe you can still get support from siblings or your father.

Wish good luck and your ma a great mother’s day.