Habt ihr diesen Lenovo schonmal gehabt oder getestet?
Ich brauche für die schule einen Laptop und dieser ist nach meinen Kenntnissen nicht so schlecht und würde meinem Budget entsprechen. Nur die GPU kenne ich halt nicht deshalb meine Frage da ich ihn eventuell auch fürs Gaming benutzen würde (Hobby mäßig) habt ihr Erfahrung?
I have two of them (work and private) and I love them.
It saves you working with the mouse and is very comfortable. I’m sure it depends on what kind of game you’re playing, but for what I’m doing, they’re enough.
But I can say with certainty:
An iGPU with a 2.8K display?
Gaming actually falls away, except as small as there are hardly any requirements.
So yes, the CPU is good, the iGPU is also really good.
But is also a 2.8K display, with FHD it would look different.
Edit: The iGPU has something on the box, but then the rest must be right.
You can play something in any case, but don’t expect the performance of a gaming laptop today.
Don’t test. But watch tests or read