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10 months ago

but there are different types, you are completely different diseases.

Type I is an autoimmune disease, the body destroys the insulin-producing cells itself. Autoantibodies are detectable. These are max. 10% of diabetics, but frequency increases.

Type II is an insulin disorder, often associated with a metabolic syndrome (blood high pressure, high blood fat levels, overweight). Here the insulin does not work well, but is actually sufficient. The poor effect of the body initially resembles with more insulin production (as it helps to speak louder with hearing loss), but insulin is a storage hormone and the many insulin often leads to overweight. (The overweight is sequence and not cause). The resulting belly fat, however, ensures an even worse effect of insulin and at some point the sugar levels go up. These are 80-90% of diabetics.

secondary diabetes Mellitus: Here the cause lies, for example, in an operation in which the pancreas was removed or after inflammation of the gland. The special thing is that not only the insulin is missing but also the opponent (Gluagon). These people often have to inject insulin, but react very sensitively to small dosage errors due to the lack of a counterpart. These secondary diseases are rather rare.

10 months ago
Reply to  weisserMann04

Unfortunately, you did not answer the question. ☹️

What diabetes disease

have you?

Typ1? Typ2? Typ3b? Typ3c?

Typ3d? Typ3e? Typ3f? Typ3h?

Typ4? Diabetes insipidus?

10 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

that was not in demand, and your Typ3 subdivision is adventure

10 months ago

I say yes, tertiary literature and I have looked at without a source.

10 months ago

I have found your classification in various nursing sciences but only in secondary or tertiary publication and always without the source. I have no idea where this division comes from.

10 months ago

that was not in demand.


“Do you have diabetes?”

If you click “yes”, that means,

that you have a diabetes disease!

and your type 3 subdivision is adventure

No, it’s not “adventurous”!

10 months ago

Luckily not. I’ve called “Here, I” too often…
No, honestly, if I had the choice, I wouldn’t have hypertension either.

10 months ago

No, my values are great, but I also care about my diet and try to watch out for sugar at least and do regular sports.

Got some overweight, but my blood values are all tiptops.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosenmary

But you could suffer from💉Typ1 diabetes.

10 months ago

Hey VodkaGin, 👋

Do you have diabetes?

I’d be interested in how far it’s spread here on Gf.

“Diabetes” is just one Description for at least

12 different diabetes diseases,

and Diabetes types.

The most common are type 1, & type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetesis an autoimmune disease

and not, or SELTEN “born”.

The causes are not known and become

still researched. There are hints,

and Presences:

Previous virus infections such as

e.g. skirts, mumps, measles, or

Coxsackie – virus, etc…. Or trauma.

Or various environmental influences, etc…

On type 1 diabetes, JEDER humans can

JEDEM age suffers. Type1 diabetes

must be insulin up to their end of life

splashes (Bolusinsulin & Basalinsulin),

or carry an insulin pump.

Type 1 diabetes are idR normal weight,

slim, or thin & athletic.

Diseased with type 1 diabetes

more adults (yearly 4150),


Children & young people (yearly 3100).

Metabolic disease:

Type 2 diabetes (overweight diabetes)

mainly arises:

DURCHstrong overweight/obesity

ANDyears of unhealthy,

carbohydrate – & fat – rich diet

ANDchronic lack of movement.

MEISTis also a genetic

MRP present.

Before a type2 diabetes condition

is always the first Prediabetes

(insulin resistance; disturbed glucose tolerance)

with hyperinsulinemia.

👉 I amType 1-Diabetiker.💉💉

And you? You too

any diabetes?

LG 🙋🏻

10 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

You’re writing a lot of nonsense. What’s your type 3 guy and who’s this classification? And to type II – the overweight is unfortunately modern. In fact, the insulin resistance is there at first. If it is not or is not pronounced in the fatty tissue, then hyperinsulism makes very easy overweight. But it remains symptom and not cause, even if the belly fat strengthens insulin resistance then. It is a spiral, but the entry is insulin resistance.

10 months ago
Reply to  weisserMann04

The user does not write nonsense!

Diabetes Mellitus type 3 > monogenetic forms of diabetes, such as neonatal diabetes, mody diabetes > maturity onset diabetes of the young, diabetes in endocrine diseases, e.g. coshing syndrome, diabetes in haemochromatosis > iron storage disease.

The causes of insulin resistance are based on incorrect diet, lack of exercise and obesity.

10 months ago
Reply to  weisserMann04

You’re writing a lot of nonsense.

No, you’re telling nonsense.

What’s your type 3 guy and who’s this classification?

How come you’re so uninformed or don’t inform yourself first, instead of simply title this division as an adventurous!?!

And to type II – the overweight is unfortunately modern.

It’s not a vaccination, it’s not a vaccination.
~ 80% of all type 2 diabetes is obese, o. adipous and therefore type 2 diabetes is also called “overweight diabetes”!

In fact, the insulin resistance is there at first.

… but the entry is insulin resistance.

That’s what I’m saying.

So why do you tell me?!?? ♀️

10 months ago

Yeah, I did. You’re right.

10 months ago
Reply to  HONEY596

What diabetes disease do you have?

10 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Type 2

10 months ago

If I keep doing this, soon