Habt ihr damit schon Erfahrung gemacht wenn ja könntet ihr mir sagen ob sie gut ist oder nicht kenne mich damit noch nicht aus?

Hallo ich möchte gerne wissen ob diese Softair gut ist und ob sie sich lohnt hier der link https://www.kotte-zeller.de/aps-m4-125-zoll-keymod-spyder-asr-series-vollmetall-esilver-edge-sdu-mosfet-2-0-s-aeg-6mm-bb-schwarz

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1 year ago

At Begadi you’ll find their house brand. However, you will have to invest a little more than the planned 300€. But they are almost indestructible and already well done. Another good brand is G&G.

In any case, you should make sure that an ETU and a Mosfet are installed.

Used, as this recommends, I would be very strongly advised of a used one. You never know what’s broken. And if you’re not a company, or if you find a craftman who’s doing this for a beer… there are workshops that do. But this is a very expensive fun.

Used are something for people who can profess themselves or like to make.

1 year ago
Reply to  Juice1864

there is no ETU Mosfet. These are 2 completely different parts. At Begadi CORE, they are assembled in the Gearbox.

1 year ago

Did you think about that? I know some who put thousands of Euros in Airsoft equipment, then were shooting two or three times and afterwards the hobby was again history, but the equipment could then only resell them by a fraction of the purchase price.

So if you really want to start with Airsoft, I suggest you buy used, then the loss of value is lower if you think you’d rather have a real weapon in a year.

From the coal my mate invested in Airsoft, I bought a lot of what you can really use for home defense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Juice1864

I don’t know the gun you link, but I didn’t just hear good about it. for example, one in the Airsoft forum wrote that he had a problem with this weapon and was advised:

“The things tend to Gearjam, send back, get one with Mosfet/EFCU/ETU and be happy. I thought Gearjams were extinct, but APS is basically core scrap, you would have to retrofit everything etc. Send them back, buy something at Begadi or ShopGun, who advise you in case of problems also competently and super fast, in the case of kotte-zeller, the message goes under.”