Habt ihr auch Selbstmord Gedanken?
Ja steht da oben bitte mit alter und Geschlecht
Ja steht da oben bitte mit alter und Geschlecht
Gerade auf der Arbeit habe ich das Problem, dass ich nichts falsch machen will oder keine Probleme machen will, da ich sonst denke, dass die anderen mich nicht mögen oder denken, dass ich komisch bin oder etwas anders.. Mir ist die Meinung von anderen auf der Arbeit im extrem wichtig und was sie über mich…
Hat jemand Tipps wie man aufhören kann über ein Thema nachzudenken? Es geht darum, dass total viele in meinem Umfeld gerade ihren Führerschein machen und ich habe mich dagegen entschieden, weil ich mich unwohl fühle bei dem Gedanken Auto zu fahren, den Führerschein sehr wahrscheinlich erst in so 5-7 Jahren brauche und ich gerade sowie…
Hey ich brauch eure hilfe bei etwas ich wurde in der schule früher aufgrund meines dünnen Körpers oft gehänselt deshalb bin ich mit der zeit ins gym gegangen wodurch ich ein recht annehmbaren Körper bekommen habe nun hab ich nur noch ein problem ich hab 2 leberflecke die etwas größer sind am Körper und jedes…
wenn ich einer ratte im keller begegne darf ich sie dann mit einem deo und feuerzeug und ethanol anzünden um sie zu vertreiben bzw mich zu wehren?
Ich immer wem ich mehr stieß als sonst habe und ich dann ganz alleine bin
I think “finding help” should mean simply dying in such a situation. Why do you want to force any person who doesn’t want to live?
This is your opinion and I accept it. I don’t share it. I’d like to explain why. One is in a mentally critical state when one is plagued by suicide thoughts. That’s terrible and you don’t think life is to stop.
I think it is very drastic to help with compulsion. There are people who want to be better. People who find your life important. It is right and important to have people who try to show you what you cannot see yourself.
I even think it is contrary to grossly negligent people “to let them die” if they want it. Looking for help means not having abandoned his life yet. What in turn means that you don’t want to really die.
Mentally ill death helps to cause many people to die, who actually appreciate and want life. It just doesn’t want and appreciate it in this bad time. There is a very large hurdle that must be overcome in the suicide.
I can only speak for myself when I say that I am healful and grateful to all the people who helped me, took me seriously and took care of me.
If someone wants help, he should get it, but we have to respect just as much if someone says he wants to go.
And for some people there is nothing in life “what you cannot see yourself”. If, despite attempts to help and long therapy, a person decides not to want to live anymore, but if one locks him into the lap, then the compulsion is. And what is the meaning of a forced life? If someone doesn’t want to live anymore, he’s already dead inside.
Such a possibility of having self-determined dying would certainly also open the eyes of many suicides endangered people if they decided to live actively.
It is, of course, quite clear here to distinguish whether the longer term is or only one phase.
There must also be the right to no longer live if you don’t want to.
I can understand your opinion. A suicide is something terrible. I just said that a person is not forced to live. I find the subject very controversial and difficult. But I actually think that death aid can cause more problems in the case than can solve.
How? Hanging? Jumping before the train? Or the bridge?
Active death aid should enable a WÜRDIGEN death, which makes it easier for all participants. In suicide, an investigation is always initiated by the police, especially if a body is found in the water at once. In some cases, people are also seriously traumatized, which have to experience it. In addition, these forms are often prohibited with pain and risk of crippling.
Here to say who really wants to die will already find a way is absolutely opposed to that of man and negligent for the public. I’m sorry, but what an absolutely stupid take to give it.
I also don’t talk about “to lock someone into a jam”. I think if you really don’t want to live anymore, then he has the opportunity to end it himself. But I don’t think that this responsibility should be given to others.
No, not even in my hardest hours.
I love life and appreciate every day I can spend in this world.
No, but if you have any, you should DRIVES seek psychic help.
Yes, currently several times a day
14-15 M
Yes often. 15/w
From time to time, but I know that would be lame.
I live my dream practically.
Depression etc. continues to accompany me but I don’t look at her badly, but as a life partner
I had these thoughts and they have often returned. I’m happy to be better than ever. I’m M, 28.
What you write is very worrying. These are thoughts that should be taken seriously. In most cases, you can actually do something about it, even if the situation currently seems hopeless.
Yes, often. Since 5 years of school. I’m 12, I’ll be 13 next month. It’s corrosive, shitty doctors, I wish I could have done it.
At the moment, often. But fortunately I have a super therapist that I can write as soon as I get back into a downward spiral. And then there’s another woman I love with God. And I wouldn’t do that to her.
Every day 🙂 (W14)
Hello dear Emma12345682
No, I never had that.
Please contact a person you trust when it comes to you.
Therapeutic treatments help very well.
LG Sky 🌈
I also had these at the age… I can give you the where these thoughts have only one say when you do miss it you miss a lot of fun in your life:-) Life is valuable and no matter what you just do… after rain comes sunshine 🙂
Yes, for a long time. 14 years
No, I didn’t.
If you have any, you should look for help
✨Sometimesscarry ✨
Yes often, for about 8 years. I am mentally ill and do not function as desired… M/49
I had it back and forth.
Then please get help
All right