Habt ihr auch Probleme zu frühstücken?

Moin, wollte wissen, ob es unter euch auch manche gibt, die einfach nicht frühstücken können? Bei mir ist es z.B. so, dass ich 3 Stunden nach dem Aufstehen kein Appetit habe und mir regelrecht übel wird, wenn ich mal was gefrühstückt habe. Wie ist es bei euch?

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2 years ago

I have no problems with getting breakfast as good as ever before I leave the house.

2 years ago

About 3 hours after I get up early, about 8 hours later I eat my 2nd meal.

I tried everything possible, but my body tells me it’s so best for him. I feel the most comfortable and have the most energy.

But every body is different. Try. I know people who eat only every two days. It works very well. There are many possibilities.

2 years ago

I’m not getting bad now, and I can have a little bit of breakfast, I’m just too lazy. I’ll ignore it until I stop it and it’s lunchtime. I owe myself. 😀

2 years ago

No, not at all. I’ve been having breakfast all my life.

2 years ago

No, I have problems, not too early. I don’t eat for lunch, my breakfast is holy to me.