Habt ihr auch manchmal diese Tage, an denen ihr euch nicht gut tut?
Ich bin eigentlich ein gesunder Mensch, aber manchmal habe ich Tage, an denen ich mir selbst schade. Ich bin derzeit erkältet und wohne alleine. Anfangs war ich sehr gut. Hab mir ruhige Musik angemacht, eine Suppe gekocht, mich eben um mich selbst gekümmert, was ja gar nicht so leicht ist, wenn man krank ist.
Aber dann habe ich etwas gezockt und die Zeit vergessen. Eigentlich zocke ich nicht oft, aber ich habe dann einige Stunden durchgezogen und danach ging es mir gar nicht gut. Ich habe währenddessen schon gemerkt, dass mir das nicht gut tat, aber irgendwie war ich in einer Art Tunnel. Ich hab das Spiel jetzt heute sofort wieder deinstalliert. Ich kann mir mein Verhalten nicht ganz erklären… Habt ihr sowas auch manchmal? Und woran könnte das liegen?
Yeah, I have those days too. Especially when it comes to weekends and I have nothing to do with this, I often have a hangover of 1-2 days. Nourish me unhealthy, neglect skin care, hang too long before the laptop or shock for several hours and thereby make nothing productive.
After that I often feel bad, but somehow I also need such days from time to time. It’s fun just not to think of anything, not to see anyone eating things that are unhealthy, but just taste good. For example, I don’t get gluten, but this morning I ate a donut because I’ll stay home today and tomorrow and learn for the university. I don’t care if I get a stomachache. I can’t afford it under the week.
I would also like to know what this is because I sometimes would like to have better control over my life. I would like to be organized, healthy and motivated every day as I am ideally. But I think that’s an illusion that we’re getting on social media. Everyone has hangers and as long as it stays in a few days and doesn’t run for weeks, I don’t see it as a world fall. And even if you are sick, just like you are, you cannot (and should) do so much. Look, you’ve earned it to shock a day and give your body a break. And you can still be productive and take care of your health, even after you’ve spent half a day by ticking.
Thank you, it’s good to hear that it’s not just me!
You zoomed a little. I don’t understand your problem. Haha. If I don’t do well with myself, that really means something bad. Haha.
What you’re describing is a little hanging. It’s always healthy. If this is not a regularity, it is neither a concern nor a bad conscience.
Well, every hour is a gift on earth. You should use the time carefully, you just have so little. And I have dreams. I can reach it, and I fight for it, but sometimes it comes to these fallbacks.
The time is wasted when you regret. But you can, even the worst experiences, draw something for yourself and consider the time used. Even if you just turn your head off.
Yeah, maybe I’m a little hard with me… I don’t always know exactly. Thank you.
Not good, better go to the doctor.