habt ihr auch den eindruck, daß unser essen im supermarkt immer teurer wird, oder bilde ich mir das ein?
danke euch 🙂
danke euch 🙂
Der ist seit dem 12.03 abgelaufen. Ist das zu lang her oder egal bei wackelpudding? 🙁
Ich hab eine Flasche die mit Wasser gefüllt ist (Felsensteiner Kohlensäure klassisch). Aus der Flasche habe ich schonmal getrunken, d.h dass die Flasche schon mehrmals geöffnet wurde. Aber ich war für ca. 4 Wochen im Urlaub, und jetzt hab’ ich Durst. Sollte ich daraus trinken?
Was kann passieren? Die Soletti waren ungeöffnet und haben normal geschmeckt
In the last weeks/months, I do not think that much has been done. Before that, however, the price increase since the beginning of the Ukraine was certainly noticeable for most of us.
I feel it rather that prices have fallen again, in contrast to last year, so not that they have become more expensive, but just cheaper again. Clearly, some are still expensive or more expensive than two years ago, but this is the least thing I’m buying.
Of course it will: Only two examples: Frozen rolls of Coppenrath &Wiese used to cost 0.99€, now 1.49€. Schlemmerfilets by Iglo earlier in advertising 1,99€, now 2,99€. I could continue the list endlessly….In particular, I find orange nectar Noname: early 0.79€, then 1.19€, now 1.69€! But also tobacco, beer….
Did you get all this out of the kop 🙂 ?
Yes, I have to pay attention to every cent for years
You push it to inflation,
but it is
Gier the Food Trade Group.
Consequently, it is GIER-Flation.
so fu. them, revolution!!!
Oh, a revolution won’t come. The government always ensures that food remains cheap, so that there is no uprising. It is always imported cheap food that does not satisfy our German standard from abroad.
You noticed inflation! Congratulations.
thank you very much
And the politicians want to exploit us even more. It’s time that changes in the country.
For example.
Yeah. Some become cheap, many more expensive
what will be cheaper of your opinion after?
Milk products were already cheaper. Nothing to do with my opinion. I can read numbers
Whether you’re happy or not is your thing. You can get clear or not, because you can’t change anything, compare prices and buy offers.
but remember, before all the shit, the liter cost 40 cent , now 99, I shall be glad,
Hi, sonn532.
No, you don’t imagine that, that’s reality.
Our entire food program has become more expensive.
Greetings, Renate.
Yeah, it will. Have you been asleep for the last two years?
but with nem rich man popped
So much imagination you obviously don’t trust yourself!
I have the impression that prices have generally risen to double.
We have a record inflation
still 7%?
You don’t buy every week