Habt ihr Angst vor Haien?
Ich meine wenn ihr einen Hai unter Wasser begegnet.
Ich meine wenn ihr einen Hai unter Wasser begegnet.
Hallo, Ich bin w/12 und werde morgen gegen 2 Verschiedene Sachen geimpft. Ich weiß nicht ob das wichtig ist zu Sagen gegen welche Sachen, sonst fragt bitte nochmal nach. Die Sache ist die ich bin immer sehr aufgeregt vor Impfungen auch wenn ich weiß das es nicht sooo schlimm ist. Aber wie kann ich es…
Hallo ! Unser Black Molly Männchen hat seit einigen Wochen ein Geschwür am Mund und wir machen uns sehr Sorgen, weil sie mittlerweile auch nicht mehr so gut fressen kann. Habt ihr Erfahrungen und könnt mir Tipps geben? Ps: Ich habe ihn nur kurz fürs Foto da in den kleinen Behälter getan! Danke!
Zur Info i h hatte seit letzter Woche Samstag ne freundin die mich die ganze zeit geghostet hat heute als ich in der Stadt war hab ich sie getroffen erst tat sie so als würde sie mich net kennen dann nimmt sie mich auf einmal ind den Arm sagt ich mach schluss und plötzlich steht…
Hay hsbe 2 fragen, habe immer angst das die pille nicht wirkt weis nicht wieso..ich bekomme durch due pille meine Tage nicht mehr slso wirkt sie oder? Ich habe zudem sich immer angst ss zu werden (durch frühere vorfälle)da ich die pille nehme kommt mein freund in mir aber ich hab jedesmal Panik dansch das…
It has never happened to me before, even though I have been swung in the sea more often. Even if the chance is 1 to 1 million to ever meet one, let alone be bitten, I would like to say so. Aucj if it were just a catjai.
Why should I – this is a fish that can bite an accident – do trout too.
Although a thousand times more people die by bees than by sharks, hardly anyone is afraid of them.
Compare trout and sharks 😂
Both are predatory fish – no more and no less.
The white shark you set is great in relation to us.
But there are also sharks that are smaller than trout.
If you want to talk about it, you should talk about the bees.
That’s it –
For hundreds of thousands of years man was not afraid of fishing – some cults worshiped sharks.
And then this dirty film came to Jaws.
Bullenhaie are really smart, but it is very rare that a person is despised by them. But compared to the other sharks it is often. The most dangerous animal is the mosquito. Through communicable diseases, there are lots of people dying annually.
I didn’t write about sharks without a reason.
Bullenhaie penetrate into brackish water in their search for prey and do not hesitate to penetrate in fresh water.
They eat people who didn’t have the opportunity to panic (because they couldn’t see the exploiter).
The thing with Yucatan only shows that such a bull shark isn’t stupid – he’s risking nothing – he can wait.
I picked you out of the Internet: Because the water in which we dive crystal is clear, it is possible to dive completely safely near Bullenhaien. In the area around the Yucatan Peninsula, a snorkeler or diver has never been attacked by a bull shark. I’ve also seen in a docus how a person has been dipped with bull sharks. And you have to be careful not to be panic, as bull sharks become more aggressive than other sharks.
No – the Bullenhai is targeting people.
This is exaggerated with the petting – but I already touched some.
A bull shark will only become aggressive if you panic. But that would be a great experience to film how to stroke a shark.
It’s a prey scheme.
All sharks (until the Bullenhai) are peaceful.
Why do you ask for fear when you mean respect?
I just think people die with a bee allergy. But by sharks hardly people die. Since people are not in their natural peasants, most are even peaceful. I still have respect for it.
Somehow, even if in most cases there is no real danger of them.
I guess I saw too many movies. 🙃
I have never had such encounters, but if I should have them spontaneously, I will certainly be short in a shock state, probably also in small sharks.
Don’t worry. But a certain respect. Usually sharks do not attack. Most species are human blood and human flesh even too disgusted.
But it can come to an attack if you push sharks too much. I also find the feeding in question. There can also be accidents if people are too unpredictable. With lions, tigers, wolves or bears no one would go to them with meat and food.
No. A shark wouldn’t attack you either. Mostly this is in the films so the sharks see you as an animal (so with your surfboard)
Sharks already attack when they haven’t eaten for a long time.
Unprobably truly unpredictable
Yes, but quite honestly I don’t go to the sea with haien baths
Yes is very rare, but it happens. Or that you get confused.
As long as they don’t lie next to me in bed
Yes they are dangerous
I’ve stroked sharks, and I’m honestly not afraid of them.
A cat shark is much smaller
The one on the picture has a bigger cuddly mass.
In any event
Yeah, totally! Actually one of my greatest fears apart from snakes!
Snakes I find sweet
The Smiling
Because he’s ready to eat
Similar to the wolf at Red Riding Hood…! 🐺👒
It’s just a sardelle with weight problem
If I ever meet a white shark, the chance is that I kill him at 50/50.
No, she doesn’t lie. Water is its element, not yours.
Depending on the surrounding circumstances and your equipment, I would rather put 95/5 for the shark. But, I get your point.
Whether Andrew Tate’s self-Glorifying claims go through as a basis for guessing is questionable. Or do you want to show that everyone else would be better than deeds? The man would probably really “feel” and thus be brutally injured or killed.
I’m not going there.