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1 month ago

Sounds stupid now, but I think we’re just a bag of meat that just stops exist like any other animal.

Am I afraid? No, I’m more curious. I like to remember the sentence: “My death does not hurt me.” – From the series “The Mentalist”


1 month ago
Reply to  Maik5432

Cool attitude. Actually, every sleep is the little brother of death.

1 month ago

Not before death, I would welcome him if I knew that my life will never be beautiful. I can’t guess what happens after that. I hope it will be more pleasant for my soul.

LG Animelove007

1 month ago

After that it will be wise before, only that others fight for your estate. It’s bad if it’s outrageous.

1 month ago

Hello Maranessi,

Of course, a certain fear of death is completely normal. Finally, we are human beings eternal Life has been created and therefore bear the desire in us to live with our loved ones forever in peace and happiness. As you will see, this is not an unfulfillable dream!

The fear of death can arise because you may not know what comes after it or because the thought of simply not being there anymore and that is for ever, quite terrible.

Although we have to stop dying one day, we feel death as something unnatural. Many therefore comfort themselves with the idea of survival in the beyond. In some religions, one believes that man has an immortal soul that lasts the death of the body.

But this does not teach the Bible. It shows that death is not a transition to another life, but a state of nonexistence. This is very clear from the following words:

“The living people know they will die, but the dead know nothing.All you can do is do with all your power, because there is neither do, plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, where you go” (Prediger 9:5,10).

That means we stop to exist after death. Does that mean that with death Forever all over? No, because the Bible announces that God will empty the graves of the dead. She speaks of Resurrection. This is not vague hope, for Jesus Christ said according to John 5:28,29:

“Don’t wonder about it, because the hour comes, in which all those who are in memory are heard and come out… to a resurrection of life.”

A faithful servant of God called Job who lived long before Jesus already knew the hope of resurrection. It said:

“All days of my… [time in the grave] I will wait until my redemption comes. You will call and I will answer.” (Hiob 14:14, 15).

The hope of resurrection, as it teaches the Bible, has taken terror to death. One day the following prophetic words will have been fulfilled: “Death, where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55). Then he will no longer pierce people like a spike, as it is simply no longer give will!

Where but will the resurrection take place? Many believe that the resurrected will once live with God in heaven. It is true that the Bible promises heavenly life. This applies only to a certain group of faithful servants of God.

Most – and also people who have never believed in God – will become a life here on earth raised. It is said about them in an old prophecy:

“The gentleman will be the earth and they will truly have their will at the fullness of peace” (Psalm 37:11).

For those who are raised it will be as if they were awakened from a long sleep. The life that she expects will surpass all known so far: no one will become more old or sick, all will be fed up and there will be no more wars on earth.

In this time the Risen will be given the opportunity to meet and serve God. Anyone who loves God from heart and remains faithful to Him will Forever stay alive on the redesigned earth!

So if we think about death, then we do not need to be filled with horror, on the contrary! Is the hope of living here on earth by a resurrection one day, without suffering and misery, not something great? The Bible describes this time with the very gripping words:

“See! The tent of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe away every tear from her eyes, and death will no longer be, nor will mourning, nor scream, nor pain be more. Previous things have passed” (Revelation 21:3,4).

If this beautiful promise has been fulfilled, no one needs to worry about dying or death. Then there is a time of endless life in happiness and peace before us! Too beautiful to be true? Not if one trusts the Bible, which has proven a thousand times that its predictions always go to fulfillment!

LG Philipp

1 month ago

What soul? Who hasn’t seen or felt anyone so far? If death comes – that was it.

But man always needs a consolation if he cannot deal with end results, then many of the faith helps.

1 month ago

Nix passes with the soul, which is knocked out.

1 month ago

I’m afraid of dying because dying can cause a lot of suffering. I’m not afraid of death, because after that all the suffering has ended. Besides, everyone has to die at some point, fear doesn’t change much. So why keep a life in fear?

Death is important, because without it, our ecosystem could not work. If no man would die, we would not be motivated to achieve our goals of life. He ends suffering, pain and illness and makes the way free for new ones. Furthermore, he is just because no one is spared.

What comes after it is hard to say. Although religions propagate a paradise and there is death research about near death experiences, all this is not proof of a life after death. Science simply assumes that after that, consciousness simply disappears forever. I think so.

Whether there is a life after death is a philosophical question that will not be answered so quickly.

LG 👍

1 month ago

I’ve read a book by Jana Haas, it’s really clearing me up, and my position on organ donation has changed completely. The Jana Haas makes it clear that after the death of man, the body is broken down into three parts: the body that is crushed. The spirit enters a universal library, almost Wikipedia of the hearts, and the soul must either go to the Purgatorium where it is cleaned, or, if it is pure enough, it may decide whether it wants to enter the sky. To live on the side of God. And as for organ donation: Never, ever. Not from others, not from me.

1 month ago

A wise man once said, I’m not afraid of death. I’m just afraid of dying.

1 month ago

What is the Purgatorium?

1 month ago
Reply to  Alyyy333

Fairy fire

1 month ago

Apart from the fact that everything does not exist at all, it is only an invention of the Pfaffen to keep the people of faith humble, my explanation was just what I was informed about.

1 month ago

No. I was just telling you about it. It’s a transition stage to heaven if you haven’t explained things yet.

The purgatory is different. If there is, evil people will come

1 month ago

Hello! I’m afraid of death and I don’t think there is a real “soul”. I think it’s easy after that (so you’re gone, how unconscious). But I think it’s nice to believe that you can come to heaven and protect your loved ones. Lg

1 month ago
Reply to  Koenntedassein

Moin! If you think that a person does not have a soul, we do not need to write further because I can sometimes even feel my soul.

1 month ago

Very ignorant.

1 month ago

The body is burned/grounded!
The soul lives on!
I’m not afraid of the time comes when it’s ready!

1 month ago

Nothing happens. You’re dead.

If you’re old at some point, you have your life behind you, that’s probably less scary. 🤔 If you’re still sick, everything hurts, then the idea is certainly less bad.

Therefore, you should pay attention to its bodies, not take drugs, exercise so that you have many healthy years of life. calibre

1 month ago

No, absolutely not. I don’t know our mind is dying and it’s just another state of consciousness. I’m just afraid of dying.

1 month ago

I’m not afraid of death, which, in my opinion, is just like an anesthesia from which one no longer wakes up, but I’m afraid of the death process, whether one has pain and so.

1 month ago

I’m afraid I’m dying before the dead. I don’t think it’s happening to my soul at all, and I’m just not alive anymore, so there’s no more me. But no one can know what happens after dying

1 month ago

I found out about mortality. I’m Christ, I believe in an eternal life after death. I’m not afraid of death. That I’m not very afraid, that’s my faith. I therefore believe that death is not all over.

If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.

1 month ago

No, I didn’t – don’t change anything! After that, Game over \../

1 month ago

No, don’t be afraid. I don’t think there’s something like a soul and after death it’s just over

1 month ago

Are you afraid of death?


and what do you think will happen to the soul?

Nothing. Huss and away

1 month ago

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

1 month ago

Before death, I’m not afraid – but I’m afraid of a painful death. And I also have the concern that I cannot fulfill my tasks in the family.

1 month ago

I’m not afraid of death, more like I’m dying. Ideally in bed while I sleep.

1 month ago

Being dead is not hard, but it’s dying.

1 month ago

I am not afraid of death because I know that I have been saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, Haleluya

1 month ago
Reply to  assyrian

You just believe that.

1 month ago

Do you want to react to any of my comments? Hahahahaha. May God bless you

1 month ago

No. Nothing happens to the soul because there is no one.

“Seele” is an ancient, naive, religious-philosophical fiction for people who do not understand their mortality and therefore seek comfort.

1 month ago

After that, of course nothing happens

1 month ago

You are born to live

And to die

When you’re dead, your soul dies