Habt ihr Angst vor dem Tod?
Ich will nicht sterben, ich fühle mich so wohl auf der Erde und ich liebe sie. Ich will aber auch nicht für immer existieren. Die Vorstellung, dass etwas niemals endet, macht mir Angst. Also wäre es mir lieber, dass nach dem Tod nichts kommt.
Wie steht ihr dazu? Andererseits könnte ich bei Wiedergeburt ja nie wissen, dass ich schon Mal lebte. Könnte ja sein, dass ich schon seit Anfang der Erde oder noch mehr, seit Anfang des Universums, immer wieder geboren wurde. An Gott oder den Himmel glaube ich nicht.
It’s all right to fear death. But it can also be a sense of redemption. For example, if you’re seriously ill, you might want to die. It’s the run of life you can’t be here forever. The world changes and will never be the same as 10 years ago. You also have a family that is sad but will always remember you.
I believe that we will be born again and again, because if that is not so, then soon our earthly men would be empty.
According to the Bible, after death there is “heavy” or “health”:Questions about Heaven and Hell
In the sense of God’s new creation, I imagine “inconceivable” beautifully. The Bible promises:
I look forward to eternity in God’s glory!
No, I’m not afraid of death. When he comes, he’ll stop. But I plan to be over 100, so I have a little time left.
But what I wanted to say:
In another post you write that you would be 173 cm tall and want to reduce your weight to 40 kg by 1.1 from now 60 kg. With 13 years, this weight would be very dangerous for your size. So if you really don’t want to die, you should forget about taking off.
I’m just writing this in here because you haven’t written anything in the other post.
I found out about mortality. I’m Christ, I believe in an eternal life after death. I’m not afraid of death. That I’m not very afraid, that’s my faith. I therefore believe that death is not all over.
If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
Not really afraid to die, but to have a long and painful path of suffering.
I’m not afraid. I wish it would finally be as far as I was dead…
Heyy I know you sometimes feel that way, but life is soooo beautiful and the earth too. Half a year ago I tried to kill myself, but now I love life and the world so much. Try it with therapy or something, lg
You should ask this question again if you’re older. Then the views change. Talk to older people. Many turn to religion because of the uncertainty that death brings. This gives them security and takes them some fear of death.
The question is therefore dependent on age and how close oneself is to death.
Actually, a Jein, but I tend to no. It’s funny to imagine that there’s nothing left at some point that everything is over for one. But it’s not afraid. Just a little uncomfortable.
it will certainly not be over,I don’t think it was all that we should only have one life.I believe it goes on.lg.flockedn
If you’re constantly busy with the subject, it’ll be normal. It takes the fears.