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I know him, but why should I be afraid of him? He doesn’t live near me, and he doesn’t touch me. The ad master will only be a hype for a short time, but will soon be forgotten
Crowded Games
No. Why should I be afraid of a child with serious problems? I’m sorry.
No, I didn’t because I had nothing to do with that.
We had a similar denunciator in the city. After a short time, certain things were clarified with him himself, which he did not get so good in many ways (financial, material, physical, etc.) and he hired his denunciant.
So I just heard that 😉
Yeah, I sold my car and I’m going to go to Costa Rica so he can’t find me.
No, why should I. Don’t do anything illegal.
Don’t know him.
I’ve never known that there’s something like a headmaster. 🤷
He’s not coming from my town. We’ll probably never be back. Even if there was an encounter, I wouldn’t be afraid of him.
Yes extreme fear, don’t trust me out of the house because I’m so afraid of his handsome dangerous stature
I find the report and the associated excitement to be amusing.
But what he does 🙂
No. Why should I be afraid? He’s not a threat to me. Rather vice versa
Respect and disgust, but not fear.
No, I didn’t.
No, I think it’s rather amusing.
Rather than the polite. There’s more likelihood I’m getting caught.
No, there is no reason
best man
He survived Neukölln
No. Why?
No, pity.