Did you wrestle as children?

Today I met a friend from my old class. I used to be the strongest in the class, but also the second shortest. Today I wrestled with my friend, who is quite thin but taller. I thought I would win easily, but I had no chance, even though I was always stronger and he was so thin—how was that possible? Besides, he hadn't been training.

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kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello! I was always the strongest as a child – much has not changed….

To the question. The figure can deceive often are simply certain muscles strong – we have over 600 of it

I know a bathmaster. 120 kg – Power fighter. They’ve got rescue bars with loops. He doesn’t manage to keep them horizontal from the wrist. His ugly colleague, I had to try

Good evening

2 years ago

I have not heard this term for many years.

I don’t care. You’ve been sluggish and not so fit anymore. And surely your buddy has gained his experience.

2 years ago

Yes, in primary school always to find out who was the strongest.

But this is not meaningful and can be answered so hard. In a fight many factors play a role and not (only) body proportions. For example how fast you can react, etc.

2 years ago

had to talk like that with older brother at times. Was quite amusing

2 years ago

As children yes. But when the first had their growth strokes, that became less.

2 years ago

Until maybe ten, then no more!