Haben Zigaretten Einfluss auf Training?
Ein Influencer hat gesagt nein, dass er selber raucht und es kein einfluss hat. Er hat auch gesagt dass das für Menschen ist, und es einfach Cool ist. Hat dass einen Einfluss? Findet ihr seine aussage mit dass zigaretten rauchen Cool sei Okay?
Surely this has an influence.
The smoke of normal cigarettes contains carbon monoxide. This docks in the blood to the hemoglobin where oxygen would normally dock. What feels like smoking as a “easiness and relaxation” is really sloppy because your blood can absorb less oxygen.
In short: Normal cigarettes destroy your condition. You are less efficient from the powder and at sport. This is like driving with tight hand brake on the highway: counterproductive.
As far as e-cigarettes are concerned, their smoke does not contain carbon monoxide, and I would also put a question mark behind it, because it is very dependent on what temperature you “evaporate” the liquid.
Still, you blow something into the lungs that doesn’t belong. Whether this is really as safe for the lungs, as is claimed by e-cigarette fans everywhere, I dare to doubt.
The best way to leave your lungs alone is to achieve the best results in sports.
This is a stupid statement from early-puberting boys. To harm his lungs is never “cool”, quite the contrary.
As for e-cigarettes: their smoke… – uh… STOPP! Even if itCigarette there is no RAUCH! Smoke is a combustion product and therefore there is no smoke if there is no combustion.
does not contain carbon monoxide, not only supposedly not, because also carbon monoxide is a combustion product. And as I explained to you, an e-cigarette doesn’t burn!
because it depends very much on what/how/with which temperature you “evaporate” the liquid. – Yeah, it’s… everything depends on what temperature you vaporize. But let’s assume that WAS is quite normal, commercial liquids and not harmful substances that are not suitable for inhalation… then we have nothing to fear from the side. Stay the temperature: then I will explain to you that between the heating element on which the liquid evaporates and the mouthpiece is at least a few ZENTIMETER… in my current favorites this is about 3 cm and this is already VIEL. If I were to use it with the small tank, it would be not even half and with the disposable things that are currently being buoyed sooo, there is perhaps still a ENTIMETER between the heating coil and the oral cavity…. really HEISS can not evaporate because we would otherwise be terrific… and not just the mouth, but also the bronchis and the lungs.
Although it is actually possible in the case of controllable devices (in the case of non-regulated only within limits) to generate more heat than the steam does without forming substances that are harmful to health, only then does not even consume the scents voluntarily, because this tastes absolutely disgusting and scratches worse in the neck than tobacco smoke… un d even then you find no carbon monoxide in the steam and still overthinking less harmful substances.
Please don’t come back. Dear e-cigarette fans, stop spiting on me! Thank you.
Hmm… if you’re young and don’t smoke long enough, that’s true, but over time, of course, you feel that.
E-cigarettes also have an influence on health or training. Not as strong as normal cigarettes. I noticed it with the e-cigarette that still has influence.
Of course, it has an influence on lung volume
On endurance sports, this has a huge influence.
Even 80 years ago, one already knew of the harmful influence on the condition of an athlete
For decades it has been known how extremely harmful and safe cancer-causing smoking is.
What is this spider that spreads such untruths?
Well, influenzer. The majority of them are honest.
It’s not cool. From my own experience I can say that it has no influence on training.
The influencer is an idiot! Don’t believe him.