Haben wir verlernt zu sozialisieren?
Ich weiss ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr wie man Freunde macht, oder wie man Beziehungen findet oder sowas. Ich weiss einfach nicht wie man sozialisiert, mit Menschen redet und all das.
Das Internet gibt mir höchstens fake-Beziehungen. Aber es ist wohl besser als gar nichts?
Echte Beziehungen werde ich eh nie haben. Wie lernt man überhaupt zu sozialisieren im Zeitalter des Internets und Social Media?
In some kaff may be difficult, but usually there are clubs (e.g. volunteer costs nothing). Or you’re looking for one in the area if you have a car. Or move into a bigger town.
Or you get to know who you’re dating online. Yeah, can work, no, it’s not all fake. Even if the chance exists of course, and is higher than “offline”.
In any case, it’s a matter of practice. And some people also do harder by nature, so you have to practice more. Helps only conditionally (not especially well with people, but have found friends due to a lot of effort anyway), but you get better, as with everything.
But you only learn when you do, and from my point of view, that means that you have to meet physically, and what is going on together keeps you together. Doesn’t mean that conversations are worthless online, as far as this is concerned, even those can help.
In a kaff it is also dangerous to be gay. And I think I live in a Kaffenland, there are hardly big cities here.
You talked about socialization first, not that you are gay, and it’s all about finding partners. That’s what I answered.
You get answers that are relevant to Central Europe, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. This is possible, and there are also kaffs in which it is harmless to be openly gay.
It is clear that we cannot give you such good advice for other countries. You don’t know how it is. The only tip I can give then is to move into a country where homosexuality is better accepted. Yeah, it’s hard, it’s clear, but the only advice I can give here is.
it is not accepted in Switzerland, believe me. Everyone expects you to be straight.
Good evening, Griseri99.
You really want to socialize in today’s time and society?
I really don’t mean it bad, but just figure out that people aren’t as old anymore. I do. Socialism in our society is as deep as never before. I have in real life max. Two best friends I really know and saw. The rest are all as Internet friends as you always say. Of course in one or the other for a long time, but also in those it is sometimes difficult to socialize with those so “correct”.
General, the topic Friends, Friends & Relations have become really fucking rough these days. As you said,
Even these “fake relationships” or friendships nowadays are so big fake that you can’t trust anyone. I would prefer to live privately and isolated if I had the choice between myself and some fake friends.
The thing about desocialization…
The worst of all are the people themselves, who, through their decision to desocialize, changes the entire society and also shapes it somewhere. Because in that more and more people desocialize, the more we experience a social “Desocialisation” and in the end we have a result like you and me. You hardly dare to engage in friendship or partnership relations because the entire society is “Fake”.
You can’t do anything about it. This is unfortunately the present generation and also part of the age. It’s not just you, it’s certainly a lot of other people out there. And leave the fingers of any “internet-fake relationships” that are not at all real are. I’ve been through this myself a few times, and it’s gonna make you feel so sick that you can even lose yourself. I’m lucky enough, but you know what I mean.
In the end, I wish you the best of all your hearts, and yes. Do what’s fun and be careful with whom you still “socialize” or with whom you enter a relationship. Just live your life and have fun!
Alone or sometime with a partner.
Good for you!
Best regards
Robin | TechBrain.
How do you think you’re a gay partner?
You will. It has gay couples everywhere. Never give up hope!
All right
How far?
That we no longer communicate personally
Then it’s like that.
then you will never find love, nowadays, sorry.
Then you’re rich?
You’re forever alone, aren’t you?
I know. I’m sick myself, but still life goes on. :
Living is not fair.
Life continues. No matter what you have or not. :
Yes, all because of my fucking illness that destroyed all hope. Because of which I will remain lonely forever, and can only vegetate forever.
WAS BRIGNT DAS???? No future without money. How can I get rich anyway?
That’s not true.
Yeah, but it’s not just that, I don’t have a chance to wait outside for the dead.
I’m really sorry to hear that. But life still goes on. With or without partners: in. 🙂
Yeah, that’s why I gave up in life, you know? No possibilities.
I’m sorry. I can’t do anything disappointing. :/
Old people are here.
Everywhere. In the café, in the supermarket. Everywhere people are. :
Meet men. :
How should I find out?
But maybe gay men. Just find out. I can’t tell you. :
there are no gays here
If you do not find out, you will never know.
but no gays
I’m very sure there are nice people in the place. :
How’s that going? If you live in a kaff?
You can also have a partner without money.
Without money no partner
Why always lonely? I don’t understand.
Yeah, that’s why I’m gonna stay lonely forever. It’s not fair.
Citizens’ money is also not there to travel a lot or go to the restaurant every day. It should be enough for the most necessary and for life.
yes, but in the city you can’t afford to live
That’s not bad. You’re still getting cash. :
I am disabled and incapable of work.
You, there’s the job center.
You have something in Germany that there is nowhere else in the world. :
How are you going to be poorer in living in a city?
Then work to get rich. But money definitely doesn’t solve this problem. :
first I have to be rich
It is the problem in the internet that is fake profiles and scams and phising and viruses and offered and hacker and wrong promises and the superficiality very bad you are not indta no f and b and dating everything was just and money abzovkr and the person has become social
naja would therefore recommend you simply go to real life and try it
where? live in a kaff, surrounded by boxes.
just get out of here
nope, it’s a bit like medium age.
naja always gives options.
But how do you want to find a partner in a kaff?
that’s why I’ll be forever alone.
hm then difficult