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Has already happened to me, even something more recently happened I bought a milk h milk about 3 hours later I wanted to drink a cup of black tea for which I bought the milk which was bad though I bought the 3 hours before and the expiry date was not yet exceeded
Yes, but this is extremely rare with me. If then it is fruit what my friend buys and then it doesn’t eat (he knows I don’t eat it and if he already buys it then has to eat it himself. He doesn’t always do it when he takes it, which is already very rare.
This happens more often with bread, especially in the summer in the case of a swedish weather; in weathery weather the milk is also more often sour…🤣
Jepp, don’t know anyone that’s never happened.
The worst was probably the forgotten mandarin in the schoolblade in the company about the holidays…
After that, the whole office has stumbled several days after mold 🤮
Yeah, mandarins are dying quickly, and you smell it right away.
Yes, it happened a few times. I think everyone had that.
Yes, for example with strawberries
Greeting Peter
Yeah, that’s happening.
Of course!
Don’t you?
My household is not sterile and I am a human.
People forget something…
I always care that food does not run.
Actually only with bread and jam until now.
In the case of bread this happens occasionally, since then I have always eaten half a bread.
Yeah, bread.