haben verschiedene Vogelarten miteinander Sex?
Also Tauben mit Elstern, Raben mit Dohlen, Störche mit Fischreihern?
weil verschiedene Hunderassen machen ja auch Mischlinge?
Also Tauben mit Elstern, Raben mit Dohlen, Störche mit Fischreihern?
weil verschiedene Hunderassen machen ja auch Mischlinge?
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Yes – also in the free nature are rarely, but regularly, such hybrids are encountered between different species.
In the case of birds, this is possible as with other beings.
Such hybrids are not always fully viable or fertile.
Hybrids are the more probable, the closer the bird species are related to each other.
But even species which alone represent a genus, such as waves, hybrids with other bird species are known.
Best regards
Dog breeds are breeds and no species. species can hardly ever propagate among themselves (except some closely related species), the genes are too far away.
Breeds, however, are only different varieties of the same type and can propagate without restrictions (ok…Chihuahua and Dogge should not work anatomically)
Rather less…
Various dog breeds do this because people have domed the dog and started the whole breeding. All dog breeds and dog mixes belong to the same species, namely dog. The different bird species are actually, as the name says, different species, no breeds. And that’s why they don’t.
You must distinguish between species and races.
Dogs are all of the same kind, no matter which breed they belong. Breeds are breeding results. Elstars and storks belong to different types. Types are results of evolution.
Closely related species can pair. The descendants are usually not reproductive.
In the vicinity Canadagänse have attracted 2 grey scales.
I asked about Nabu, and there an ornithologist told me that Canadaese and gray geese sometimes couple /and/or chicks take over.
What was the case with the faceted family, I can’t say now, but it seems both.
However, Canada’s geese are domestic in America and gray scale in Europe and Asia. From nature they usually do not meet. Only in Scandinavia there is an outdated polulation of Canadian geese.
The two species belong to even different genera, so are not closely related.
Wolf and dogs all belong to a kind, so they can pair together and bear fruitful descendants.
Animals of different species cannot do this – whether bird or not. If what is in exceptional cases in closely related species, the descendants are infertile.
Different species would testify to sterile descendants, which means evolution “supports” the whole by not being able to bear fruitful descendants.
If a bird is shaped in another way, it will be difficult for this animal to multiply. For this, an individual of the other kind would have to Animals.
Mammals cannot be embossed, but they experience a sensitive phase, which describes the learning process to be “impregnated more quickly and more sustainably”, but are subject to the neuroplasticity, which means they are reversible (adjustable) with age. Embossing describes a process that is irreversible, i.e. a once-embedded animal is subject to this misprint for a lifetime.
Thus, different types can pair, but if they do so, then incompetent (sterile) individuals come out.
As dogs all belong to the same kind, it would also be possible for a wolf to mate with a dog and to develop viable boy. Dog breeds all belong to the same type but not to the same breed.
As the human being represents a kind, it also does a dog. In humans, there are also different races, but all can pair with each other and witness viable individuals.
“Arten” are defined by the fact that they can produce progeny descendants together.
=> no sex between different types
Races are different forms of a kind. There you go.
No, the bird species remain among themselves. This is determined by linkages and bellows behavior. (key incentives)
No. Are yes species, not subspecies / breeds.
To slow down your disgusting thoughts, learn the difference between species and race.