Do power distribution boxes pose a safety risk?
Hi, can anything happen to power distribution units or can they cause any damage to connected devices if they malfunction?
For example, if my PC is connected to a power distribution unit, can anything happen if the power distribution unit malfunctions? Could this also happen to other devices, such as if my cell phone is plugged in to charge, etc.
Or do power distributors also have a kind of "safety function" like power supplies on PCs, so that other parts cannot be damaged?
You mean multiple sockets?
In improper use or in the event of a lack of quality, multiple sockets pose great fire risks. The socket strips, which are widely used in private households, can ignite during electrical overload and thus become the deadly danger.
It is always dangerous when too many devices with high power consumption are connected to a socket bar. Heating fans, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers or household grills do not belong to multiple sockets. As a result of an overload, heat can occur in these devices, which can finally trigger a fire. Multiple sockets are designed for a power of around 3,000 to 3,500 watts, a heating fan is already at 1,500 to 2,000 watts.
Televisions, DVDs, stereos or PCs can be connected to power outlets without care if the power consumption does not exceed 3,000 watts. However, it is important when using multiple plugs that the bar is not covered or disappears during operation in boxes or behind furniture. Also, socket strips can never be connected in series. In wet rooms such as bathrooms or in the kitchen sink area, multiple sockets must be avoided in principle. If electricity flows through outlets are moist or even water, for example from a dropping faucet, runs onto the current-carrying parts, this means an acute risk of fire.
Yeah, well, I meant multiple sockets. I kind of didn’t get the right word.
This “high power consumption” isn’t in sight when I’m just charging my phone + PC, right? Had a multiple socket for years before, just for it (just age-related) it was broken a few days ago or has not worked anymore.
My PC has a maximum of 550W, cell phone shouldn’t be much, so everything is safe, right?
Yes, if there are approved devices (possibly not DIREKT from China), YES.
Yeah, don’t worry. Televisions, DVD devices, chargers, stereo systems or PCs can be connected to socket strips without care
I have one here, it says: “H05V-F”, have found online only that is suitable for “medium mechanical stresses”, do you think for the PC with 550W + mobile phone should fit?
Hi, pay attention to reasonable quality for distribution cans, GS characters are already a good hint. Most distributor cans do not have any additional protection, except you buy an extra one with slipping and/or overvoltage protection.
Wwn on it PC, monitor and charger, from me also 2 monitors and a printer is still completely ok.
Merry Christmas!
You should not overload the securing of the can to which the distributor hangs. A distributor is just as good as the can on which he hangs.
Got only PC with approx. 550W + cell phone sometimes, should actually fit. Does the distributor have any “overload protection” so they don’t suffer the devices that hang on?
If you mean the overvoltage protection that can be useful for thunderstorms etc., this is different from socket strip to socket strip. Some have one, but how much the deaf, the fox knows. If you get too much to the bar, the fuse suffers and if they don’t fly out in time, the whole house. The devices are your least problem…