Haben Pflanzen auch Leben?

Hey Leute, ich habe mir Tomaten kerne gepflanzt und habe die kerne dann keimen lassen. Nach dem die süssen klein Pflanzen gewachsen sind habe ich einige der schlechter wachsenden tomaten Pflanzen entfernt und die besser wachsenden im Topf gelassen.

Nun kam mir der Gedanke: haben diese Pflanzen überhaupt Leben? Bringe ich nicht theoretisch so ein keimling um?

Dies Frage bezieht sich auf alle Pflanzen und Bäume. Haben Pflanzen Leben? Wenn ja, wie sieht dieses dann aus? Können sie sehen, fühlen oder schmecken? Wie sieht so ein Pflanzen alltag den aus? Vielen Dank.

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1 year ago

How do you define life?!

Yes of course plants live!

All that cells, cell division, metabolism, reproduction has lived, is a living thing!

This is not necessarily associated with brain, eyes, tongue – what would it be for a narrow-stirnig anthropocentric angle of view…

Plants also suffer – with lack of light e.g. B., have dry stress, try to overwall injuries, to waste infections…

…or thrive, grow, form flowers and seeds…

1 year ago

Yes Plants are creatures, just like us.

However, these work significantly differently. A real consciousness is not present but metabolism, reproduction, growth all there.

And plants also react to external stimuli. And so I mean not only sun rays – many plants react to touches and there are even plants that can react to odours. And even optical influences can perceive certain plants.

Plants can know significantly more than most people;)

One simply has to solve the idea that only the “things” live like humans or animals.

1 year ago

Plants have life.

They have senses with which they perceive environmental influences, but not a central nervous system and thus no complex thinking processes. Therefore they cannot possess consciousness. They can only react and store information to a very limited extent. Some plants are also able to exchange certain information. However, this is limited to evolutionaryly developed, automated processes and does not involve “communication” as it is imagined under the term.

Plants are also likely to feel no pain, because pain is caused by natural selection. However, since plants do not get out of their way, or they can prevent them, this selection cannot have been found in them.

1 year ago

Plants have no neurons, i.e. nerve cells, and no brain that could process stimuli and also no nervous system.

But they perceive their environment and are capable of learning, but in a completely different way than a human being. The reactions are only genetically conditioned, there is no consciousness behind them (for which a brain would be necessary).

1 year ago

Of course. Everything that grows, that lives.