Haben Orcas auch in Norwegen angegriffen?
Orcas sind meine Lieblingstiere und ich weiß, dass sie Menschen eigentlich nichts tun. Trotzdem gab es ja vorallem vor Spanien schon mehrere “Angriffe” auf Boote.
Meine Frage: Gab es auch schon solche Vorfälle in Norwegen? Ich finde dazu nämlich nichts, nur Richtung Spanien.
Wäre lieb, wenn mir jemand antworten könnte :))
This is as far as I know limited to the Strait of Gibraltar and the West Coast of Spain.
The reason was that during the lockdown the tuna stock had increased sharply and the intelligent orcas had specialised in taking and exploiting tuna from the hook.
After the Covid-Lockdown, the first high-sea fishers were admitted, chasing tuna and saw the Orcas taking their prey. Some of them shot harpoons.
The Orcas then made themselves first of all small sailboats of this type, where the wheel raid was outside, to make themselves navy to avenge. Lt. Experts knowing that if they destroy the boat and died inmates, they would be hunted or that was not an option for them for other reasons. It would have been easy for Orcas to destroy the boat completely.
So they decided to bite off the wheel, whereupon the passage of the Strait of Gibraltar was blocked for smaller sailing ships. After that it was found in investigations that some orcas had scars caused by harpoons and that from the time onwards it was associated with the first permits for tuna fishing after the corona dockdown.
Source: https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/sociedad/2021/09/03/descubren-razon-por-que-orcas-atacan-barcos-1516946.html