Haben meinen kleinen Cousin gefragt was er mal werden will er meinte er will Engel vom Christkind werden 🙏😭😭💀 was wolltet ihr früher werden?
Wieso macht GF so Spaß wollt ihr Weihnachtsmann werden oder Feuerwehr
Gutefrage besser als Reddit zum Spass haben
I wanted to do something with technology from small to later, and that’s what I did.
I remember working as a saleswoman in a supermarket and as a barista at the coffee chef.
I wanted to be a garbage driver at kindergarten age. I was fascinated by the fact that the garbage trucks are allowed to drive outside.
The wish came up again in the first class when a teacher had managed to teach me that math is something insurmountable and I cannot. And as a garbage driver you don’t need a math, so my logic at that time…
I had a good time with math later.
SweetðŸTM‚Also I always wanted to become a locomotive. ECT
I don’t know I know where I wanted to go but I couldn’t get home.
I wanted to be a helicopter pilot with four years.
Sometime with seven times princess.
Is both nic
No, now my dream is to become a lawyer.
Thank you.
I’ll print you the thumbs 🙂
There’s hops and malt lost
Some dreams are dreams, other dreams are goals.
Just stay realistic boy. Pilot has become nix, Princess has become nix. So weshkb should become a lawyer?
Let’s see treasures
Become nix
I wanted to become a vet ballerina and singer
I always wanted to be a hit singer.