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9 months ago


Some aren’t all.

It can be everything from easy pulling or pressing to knife-stitch-like cramps. The pain can also pull into the legs and back which makes run hard. Depending on how much the pain is, you also go to the gynecologist to explain why the pain is so strong. Sometimes the pain makes an incapable to cope with everyday life and can also be accompanied by vomiting.

Painkillers usually alleviate the pain, but in some cases they do not help, even here you go to the gynecologist. There are other things like warmth that can then improve the pain but also here everyone is different.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



9 months ago

Not all, but really many I know.

And they’re really uncomfortable.

This is called PMS

9 months ago
Reply to  redsmallbug

PMS is only called if you have complaints before the period and feel abdominal pain.

9 months ago

I have it before the period