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9 months ago

There are different models, greatly simplified:

  • Everyone pays anything from their own account,
  • Everyone has their own account but community costs go through a household account to which each X € or Y % deposit
  • There’s an account there’s all the money on it and everything down for both.

Of course, with x variations.

I’m not married but big fan of “everyone’s account + shared household account” just so that not every online purchase of e.g. birthday gifts is seen by the PArtner and so you have your own reserves in the stress case with which you can return to the hotel for 2 days.

Another advantage is that you do not have to justify hobby costs on your own account, i.e. the 200 € stamp goes from your own savings, not from the holiday fund or the household account. In the case of a community account, larger expenditure should be denounced and there is potentially stress when people have different opinions on what common money should go for.

9 months ago

A separate account would make sense if you don’t know that you stay together.

However, if one is married and takes marriage seriously one only needs a common account. We have been doing this for 25 years and it doesn’t matter how much everyone deserves and pays in it, because it is and remains our common fortune and not My or Yours. There’s nothing left.

9 months ago

each retains its own account
common costs shall be paid by the common account to which each person makes his contribution at the beginning of the month.

9 months ago

No, we have separate accounts.

9 months ago

We have a joint account and don’t distinguish in mine and yours.

But in the end, every couple can do as they want.

9 months ago

Do spouses have a common bank account?

No, not necessarily.

How about you?

My wife and I have separate accounts.

9 months ago

There are certainly those who have this but also those who stay with separate accounts.