Haben die Ski Springer keine Angst das Sie sich das gleichgewicht verlieren und aus der Höhe aufprahlen auf die Erde mit Knochenbrüche?
Ich finde das Ski sehr interessant,aber ich Frage mich immer wie die das schafen durchzustehen. Lernen die das Springen von einem Alter ab 3 Jahre Stufenweise und warum halten Sie ihren Körper nach vorne geneigt ?
What you do not see: the ground is not as far below the flight curve. The slope is designed so that the crash height is not so high.
And you have to calculate the speed. There is always a forward part, there is no pure downward movement. As a result, one gets more or less parallel to the slopes and climbs along the ground.
But it wouldn’t be mine. I was already standing on various ski jumping hills – standing up and looking down did not disturb me. I wouldn’t want to go in the lane.
Do not fear the ski jumpers….
They are quite aware of the risks, but could channel their fear. One starts with the sport ski jumping NOT on the giant hill, especially makes small jumpers first.
The fear of ski jumpers
The traffic lights jump on green. The ski jumper bumps from the bar on which he waited for the start signal. At a speed of almost 100 kilometers per hour, he snaps the starting track down to the ski jumping table. Then the jump. In the air, one of the two skis suddenly breaks away and sails to the ground. The athlete fights for its stability, while the snow-covered ground is getting closer. The landing becomes a tremble.
This situation is the nightmare of each ski jumper, as the sports psychologist Dr. Reinhild Kemper discovered from the University of Jena. She interviewed 29 jumpers from the high-performance sports sector after her biggest fears. On a scale of 1 to 7, the fear of ski loss reached an average score of 6.51.
“It is no longer possible for athletes to counteract and to end the jump successfully,” she explains. Ski losses rarely occur, but are not completely excluded. Olympic champion Jens Weißflog, for instance, experienced this situation twice in his career.
Ski jumping: The fear of falling
Ski jumping is a risk sport that often drives its protagonists to the limits. Especially after a fall, the mental stress is extreme.
At the end of the conversation, Christian Uhl says: “ski jumping is a sport in which I can die,” he says. Uhl, 45, I need to know. For 13 years, from 2003 to 2016, the sports psychologist has accompanied the Austrian Springer, the “Super-Adler” as they are often called. Uhl has witnessed Olympic championships, world championship titles, four-story tour winners. In series. Uhl has seen some eagles but also spectacular crashes. “The tension before a jump is extreme: on the one hand I must be fully focused, on the other hand spiritually free like a bird. The challenge to find the constant balance is great.” And the greatest fear that many people who have fallen – is fear itself. To defeat them is the great art, because it is at the same timea scienceis different for each jumper. “It’s about urinstinkte, a high level of trust and a high positive mood,” says Uhl. But is that easy?
They use their skis and their hands as guide surfaces, as fins. Oh, look at how they’re re-adjusting them.
Thanks for the answer. But what happens when one of them loses the courage and concentration and falls like a stone on the ground, you can expect that he/she will break all bones or even death. There’s a big risk out of the way.
There is such a risk in very, very many forms of human movement. Especially the most enjoyable.