Haben die Leute Angst vor mir oder was ist der Grund?

Also ich bin Bodybuilder und hab die letzten Monate jetzt nochmal einiges an Muskelmasse zugelegt, da ich auch ziemlich zugestofft bin. Früher bzw. eigentlich bis vor kurzem hatte ich im Gym oft nette Gespräche und viele Leute die mich zugelabert haben und meinten, dass ich voll krass bin und Tipps wollten etc. Wurde auch oft gefragt, ob ich Natural bin, was ich esse blablabla. Seitdem ich nun aber wirklich krass bin, spricht mich keiner mehr an, werd aber ziemlich angestarrt, aber irgendwie nicht wirklich freundlich, nur der Chef des Gyms und manche Leute, mit denen ich halt cool bin kommen immer zu mir, aber die Masse starrt mich nur noch blöd an, manchmal so penetrant, dass ich dann frage ob er n problem hat und dann kommt nur gestottere. Haben die schiss vor mir? Oder wirk ich durch den Stoff so unsympathisch? Oder was ist der Grund? Also stört mich nicht so, bin froh meine Ruhe zu haben, aber ist hart auffällig haha

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2 months ago

I don’t know what to do with fear….hahaha 😂

So I could make a picture if I could see you, yes how you generally give yourself that…. So if I’m staying with you now, I’m still, no matter how broad you would be, that would never be a reason for me to stop talking. What else would be, you’d be extremely negative. Yes, there’s something like that, of course, that some people think very extremely what better to be. Just change completely negatively. Superb, extremely arrogant….. That would be a point where I could directly imagine not having a bock anymore to talk to you about anything else.

But as mentioned above, it’s difficult to read the one you’ve told…


2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

Well, if that’s the case, then it’s all good that it’s exhausting, it’s clear. Mimic wouldn’t scare me either… 🤣

2 months ago

Then I wish you all the best, good luck on your way….Baby ! ðŸ ̃‰

2 months ago

Vllt. Have you built so much muscle mass through the “substance” that it already seems unnatural and exaggerated. That’s why you may think you’re taking anabolic steroids, etc…. that affects many unsympathetic and often unattractive. I could imagine it was.

LG, Conny 🙂

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

Nobody sees that. Most of them will shake themselves inside.

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

Arnold now has the third donor liver.. you know that in Germany only 900 people donated organs last year

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

You don’t make a “bad” impression of writing. ðŸTM‚ It just acts intimidating, I guess. 😃

2 months ago

Then it’s probably too bad. 😅

2 months ago

I can’t judge if anyone’s afraid of you.

But you have chosen a way that (fortunately) many for good reason reject and who has a rejection of something will of course not be the best of Friend!

In addition, you seem to find your senseless substance dependency and danger to your health properly horny and with it many cannot identify and distance themselves consciously or unconsciously!

Anyone who has crossed this limit is no longer honest and this is no longer about the health aspect of sport.

I don’t care what you’re ruining, you won’t be rich with it!

Maybe you shouldn’t ask if someone has a problem. That sounds quite aggressive!

Why don’t you ask me? Are you okay?

With rough muscles you will also quickly become a crust a…!

2 months ago

I notice to everyone that you need to point to GF again and again how crassed your body construction is, how loose you are supposed to be on it and how it goes past you that you ruin your health. I assume that you need a lot of attention and that it doesn’t matter if you trigger positive or negative reactions as long as you are only perceived. I suspect that you are suffering from rather severe undervalue complexes. I now add a “haha” to you. (But this is also something striking with you)

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

What is the difference between “crack” and “supernatural”? And say quite honestly: do you think your body is supernatural or do you mean “not natural”? Supernaturally, the superlative would be bad and would confirm my suspicion that you have a problem– a psychic to be exact.

2 months ago

If you’ve exaggerated and look like hulk I can understand. Most find it more disturbing when someone is pumped up through the opposite.

2 months ago

If you look so extreme, it’s clear that you’re taking a look at you. People are curious. With your extreme body construction, many are likely to be afraid of you and can no longer assess you. And because they are obviously very physically subjugated, they probably do not dare to speak to you anymore.

2 months ago

I can only speak for myself, of course. I could lead many reasons.

The main reason is that they think you’d say everyone, you have to eat that, and so often in the gym and do that.

Other people set other priorities

2 months ago

” But since I’ve been really mad”

For you, for most others, this is now simply “sick”

Even if it’s not.

Gym is also a place for transhipment in my opinion, but I am never there for reasons.

2 months ago

Looks just for a lot of crap. Fear I can rather imagine less, rather simply a dislike, doesn’t give a few people who just disgusts this.

2 months ago

Probably a little fanatic now.

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

Yes and some may not

2 months ago

I suppose you wanted to. As long as you don’t take hormones, it’s okay.

2 months ago

I think they’ll find it more disturbing.

2 months ago

pity you play with your life

2 months ago
Reply to  Dario1312

this has nothing to do with sport, because bodybuilding can also be done without poison, so without doping, you cheat yourself and die young in organ failure.
I definitely don’t need a name from negative examples that have thrown away their lives in this cruel way and have not become 40 years old

2 months ago

So you want to win with scam?
that makes you happy?
you stand up there on stage, let you celebrate and are a winner with scam
what does this have to do with sports and your own ambition?

2 months ago

incomprehensible for me is that you know but still don’t stop with it
would it not be an incentive for you to shape the muscles from its own strength and training?
Why do you have to deceive yourself and your environment?
what is the reason to choose a death on rates?

2 months ago

you’re being considered a freak.