Haben die Homo Sapiens in Südafrika nachts in der Wildnis geschlafen oder eher tagsüber? Nachts ist es doch gefährlicher Opfer der Beute zu werden?

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1 year ago

Of course, they slept at night, even the early people were not inactive. A great danger, however, was not that, they protect themselves by fire places, which kept predators far away, and the smoke also drove out annoying mosquitoes and vermin, making it quieter to sleep. Probably a few members of the watch group were also held, because the fire had to be kept in the early homo sapiens, you could not ignite it yourself.

1 year ago

People, hominids in general, do not have particularly good night vision, so it is assumed that our ancestors have slept at night, in “nesters” on trees, only when the African burglary has decimated the forests, the upright gang was established, with the sleeping place probably being displaced to the ground or in caves.

Like our ancestors.


The history of “light” at night…

https://mfe.webhop.me/geschichte-archaeologie/geschichte/ ein-small-geschichte-des-feuers/

11 months ago

They are probably divided into different layers. The ones slept during the day, the others at night. Otherwise they’d all have been eaten.