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So I think this platform is definitely designed for younger people. 14-16 or 16-20 years.
But I keep seeing people who are probably over 40. I think a broad mass of very different people uses this platform
I think it’s from 11 to 30. Only I think that younger people should not be Tiktok. On the one hand, they lose respect for elders, on the other hand, their brain is only made of memes. And it has an extremely high search potential
I have no Instascam, no Snapscrap, no TikTok or any other social platform. The only one would be Fakebook, but I haven’t used it for 10 years or so. I’m not interested in these media. I’m watching YouTube shorts and there’s enough bullshit, that’s enough for me.
M, 38
I’m afraid the intellectual failure is a phenomenon that infiltrated every age group. Of course, it should be noted that TikTok is only one of many symptoms.
Would say this is more for teenagers because there is nothing right for adult so you understand what I mean no idea but my mother also uses tik Tok but she is looking for so ideas for gifts or so hope could help 🫶🏼
Unfortunately, there are also some adults. So also my buddy who supplies me daily with “lusty” videos🤢
I guess this is more for young people. Do not know an adult who uses this app. I don’t do it myself.
Ah thank you for the info
Tiktok is simply unnecessary, dangerous and a spy app. You should stay away from this platform.
Why? Why dangerous? And why spy app?
The app is a Chinese company. And China wants to disclose all accounts (access to user data).
See Bsp.,right%20pers%C3%B6nliche%20
There are various “competitions” that are dangerous and who are looking for their imitators.
It’s great if you want to wash dirty money. No matter how old you are.
TikTok? You mean use it? Only those who have lost control of their lives. So across all user layers.
TikTok is out.
That would be welcome. But nothing good can do.