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The hired investment banker in Day Trading certainly has more stress than an independent horse whisper.
On average, self-employed people have more stress and more stress.
You can’t compare jobs either. That makes little sense.
I am not talking about an objective opinion, but about your subjective as you feel. And if you’ve never been self-employed, you can imagine.
That wasn’t the question. Especially since the job of an employee is rarely continued as a self-employed person. With regard to the field of activity there may be many overlaps – but otherwise it is usually very different.
Employee bakers and bakers with their own shop are for example two completely different shoes.
That’s the point. Partly more and in part less compared to various jobs that I have done in employment. But if I can only compare exactly the same jobs, it becomes difficult.
In research-related activities without deadlines, I had hardly any stress, but in time-critical activities in a chronically understaffed project work as a hired software developer already a lot. Also in consultation with a lot of traveling activities and hardly work-life balance. Travel times attract a lot of energy personally.
As a self-employed person, I now have other stress which I personally consider to be healthier. I work more, but also rather and much more motivated. I decide myself what I take and how I shape my work. Of course, I need to consider my customers, but I don’t have annoying project managers or superiors anymore.
In addition, I am older, which is also an important independent variable, as I see much more clearly. It is very difficult to compare summa summarum and to see completely type-dependent as well as in connection with activity.
I could understand why I became self-employed.
On average, self-employed have more stress, which does not mean that it is always the same.
There are also many who go into self-employment in young years, quickly earn some money and then already think to have made it and don’t want to worry about it….they often land in the badly paid employee jobs and then complain that the employment is really bad exploitation….even guilty.
There are also stressful employee jobs, no question.
In most cases this is so.
Started with much better social protection. Social security contributions are directly retained by the wage and depend on income. While a self-employed person, depending on age and pre-disorders, must pay high contributions to private health insurance if he has only a low income. Then you as a paid holiday, pay advance payment in case of illness and notice protection
In addition, the severely restricted liability for damage caused by work and much less bureaucracy.
Or with the words of my uncle who had a KFZ workshop for 40 years with about 6 employees:
As an independent one works self and constant
Your uncle wasn’t “self” 😀
Even so. Just not alone. But he was the only master in operation
Let’s wait, I’m excited.
I’m not coming with what you’re looking for…
Hmm…don’t know exactly what sock doll….I think you were here as Bruno05….
No when?
…you mentioned
You wanted a friend to join your business?
Many themselves will also work with employees.
My uncle zb was almost always the first in the workshop from Monday morning to Saturday afternoon and finished last and after the evening he did most of the emergency services
Yes but never understand this phrase completely. I am self and constant. Well, it’s always a thing. As long as I have employees. Then I am no longer self and constant.
In craftsmanship you have more stress than any employee, as there may be only one handful of exceptions. I know that because I know both sides and I’m here for long enough.
I can’t guess what it looks like in other industries.
Yes, if I look at the self-employed craftsmen and also merchants from my professional life, then they are quite “under electricity”. Need to try for customers and then see the money coming in. There are many who are slapping the bankruptcy.
The gardener/planter we had just here for a large order said myself “I wrote up my hours over the last 3 months. Come out under minimum wage.”
As a rule, it is definitely so.
Employees have a safe income, paid vacation and paid sick days.
It’s all self-employed.
It doesn’t make it stressful automatically. I have no stress at all. As an employee, I was really stressed…
I know the stress a self-employed painter has with his little company. I’d rather be a payee and go home after 8 hours
Of course. At least in most cases.