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Repeated consumption within a few days should be discouraged. MDMA, which is usually present in ecstasy, acts via the body’s serotonin. It leads to an enormous distribution of this and other neurotransmitters. However, these are not available in any quantity in the body, but have to be re-imaged by it over time. This can take weeks after the first consumption. Therefore, and also because MDMA is not a charity for the body, it is said that you should take a break at least three months after each consumption.
An increase in the dose also brings nothing, since this no longer provides serotonin. And then there’s the problem that you don’t know what to consume in the black market without drug checking.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption and specific information about the risk-reducing handling of MDMA can be found here:
the usual ones who have
It may be less powerful
Otherwise look in here
Side effect: self-destructive.
If you like it, you will repeat consumption. This is just one of several side effects.
Otherwise simply google: “Drugscouts MDMA”
Don’t do that you’re stupid as if you’re drugged and you’re dependent on it and can also die!