Habe Vertragsentwürfe für Handelsvertretung und für Festanstellung bekommen, wie kann ich AG überzeugen dass ich den für Festanstellung möchte?

Welche Argumente kann ich dem AG sagen, dass ich Vertrag für Festanstellung möchte? Ich kann nicht die Argumente sagen, welche für mich gut sind, die sind nämlich für den AG schlecht. Dann wird er den Festvertrag nicht machen, das ist das Problem.

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7 months ago

You don’t have to argue. You want a permanent job, consider the conditions you need and either the AG is convinced of your qualifications and takes you or he is looking forward.

Everything else is lazy compromises.

7 months ago

Maybe something just went wrong? Just ask.

If you only sign the employment contract now, of course. But then don’t cancel your current job until you have a copy with a counterdrawal!

7 months ago

We’re five more questions now. You’ve done all this well and it’s at the heart of the question whether the job is actually profitable or worth it for you. So, it’s zero about the question of how to make you tasty for the arrest, but what you’re opposed to the exploitation of the AG!

7 months ago

Again, it’s about what you want. Position yourself and finish. Since you’ve had better offers elsewhere, you can allow it. It looks different, of course, when the A goes up and you urgently need a job.

You don’t need a second conversation. Call and ask.

It stands and falls everything with your need/freedom, your skills and self-esteem!

7 months ago

It’s hard to convince a company that you’re just trying to get a fix.

Will you give up your status as a disability pensioner?