I worked with asp and now I suddenly have pneumonia?
Hey, hope you can maybe help me,
I worked with aspest six days ago (a sewer line containing aspest). I know what aspest is and the symptoms of aspestosis, so I just have one question: Could it be something to do with working with asbestos? I'll go see the doctor!
On the internet it always says that it can only occur after years but not whether it might occur after days
Symptoms: cough with mucus, headache and fever for 3 days.
Pre-existing conditions Asthma
hope you can help me
Asbestos is unfortunately the worst substance that can damage the lung very much. 🫁⚠️
Asbestos sets into the lung tissue like barbs, whereby the lung tissue gets less oxygen and decreases with time.
As a result, severe chronic lung diseases can occur (fibroses, emphysem and asthma)
Good luck! 🍀
Thank you
When working with asbestos, complete protective clothing is required, including breathing masks.
Asbestos is a means used as insulation. As heat protection and fire protection. Water pipes themselves have no asbestos. Old tubes are leady, new copper or PVC/plastic.
Thanks a lot
Asbestos fibers damage the lung after years. So-called fibroses (the lung becomes rigid and unelastic). Don’t take it. You’ll have caught a cold.
Thank you so much, I don’t need to worry so much, but I noticed how important studies are with the doctor.
where is asbestos at the water line?
As I said in a wastewater line
where was that fire protection?
that’s iron!
Sry doesn’t understand firewood? The material from the pipe I mean?