Habe ich Wasser in den Beinen?
Hallo zusammen,
heute habe ich diese komischen Stellen an einem meiner Beine entdeckt. Es schmerzt nicht, sieht allerdings sehr seltsam aus. Können das wassereinlagerugen sein? Woher kommen die? Ernähre mich gesund, gehe jeden Tag spazieren und mind. 2x die Woche ins Fitnessstudio…
für jeden Tipp dankbar
that looks like you’d dressed too tight sticks and that’s the impression of bushes now.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
Have very short sneakers, of which it can’t come normally
Hm, okay.
This looks like connective tissue, which often wants to be massaged.:-) Experience has shown that it is more often enough to put your legs up and brush them with both hands with slight pressure towards the heart.
Vitamin C with flavonoids and lysine (essential amino acid) are important for a connective tissue without water retention. You have to pay attention to both when eating.
I have found that filled wine leaves (=in cans, better organic due to citric acid) have a good swelling effect. Weinlaub-Creme should also help outside.
If it increases, try fresh pineapple. Their enzymes then act inhibitingly on beginning inflammations.
Don’t forget to drink! 2 to 3 l water and unsweetened herbal tea/day needs normal metabolism so everything works!
It’d be nice if there’s something for you. Good luck!
Thank you for your detailed tip! I will definitely try! 🥰🙏🏻
Sure. I forgot compression stockings to which doctors advise. There are fixed knee socks to me – this is the extreme of feelings!
That’s good! Increase the vitamin C dose with citrus fruits, so free radicals are neutralized which we constantly absorb.
Who knows, for example, that nitrate from greenhouse vegetables (fertilization) and from nature are stuck in red prayers?! but what is great: nitrate and nitrosamines can be neutralized by vitamin C if you get gnug of it with food. before the damage is done!
Be sure to consider all your tips 🫶🏻
Good evening SariWari,
That’s quite normal, it’s nothing bad that just looks a bit different, because every body is different:-)
Thank you for your answer ☺️
Always liked 👍
Can you really judge this on the picture?
This is not a leg edema
Leg edema are never normal
This can be a print of a trouser leg, had possibly beaten the legs over each other or sat on it….this is normal.
No, had no tight pants, is still to be seen today 🤷🏼 ♀️
Can I say badly, maybe a bridge of socks/shoes?
Water retention could be detected by a mini test. To do this, press the finger into the affected area zdn to see how long the dent remains. If it takes a long time -> Water in the legs
It can’t come from the socks, it’s very short. Dellen do not stay when I press
Then it is probably not a water retention
Should a doctor look at you.
What could it be? No water?
There are many possibilities, even rare edema forms. Lipoedema, myxedema, edema (also discreetly) as a drug nausea, does not have to be a heart or kidney disease etc…. why let someone look on the real leg and not the photo…