Habe ich Probleme mit dem Herz?
hsb mich eben geduscht und kam aus der Dusche raus, dann fing mein Herz an ganz schnell zu schlagen und ich habe mich total erschrocken. Außerdem fühlte es sich so an als müsste ich umkippen
jetzt habe ich Angst wieder irgendwas duschen zu gehen weil ich denke es könnte wieder passieren, was soll ich machen?
Maybe you have panic attacks. This happens when you have too much stress and have no time to relax. Then it can happen that the heart suddenly strikes very quickly because the body is no longer used to it, that you don’t try so much. This does not have to be physical work, it can also be that you have learned too long and too much for a exam as an example. Other people have it in other everyday situations. Then you should explain it as soon as possible with a doctor. But that’s just my guess, so don’t leave.
You had a short heart rhythm disorder. They usually come without warning, but – if they disappear after a short time – they are not threatening. Nevertheless, you should go to the doctor and let this be explained. It has nothing to do with the shower. So you can shower again without worry.
Maybe you just showered hot,
It’s best to explain this to the family doctor.
I hope it is, thank you