Habe ich mich richtig gewogen?
Hey. Ich habe da mal eine Frage. Ich habe mich heute morgen mit nüchternen Magen und nachdem ich ein halbes Glas getrunken habe gewogen. Die Waage hat mir 48 kg angezeigt. Ich bin zur Sicherheit 5 Mal draufgegangen weil ich mir irgendwie unsicher war. Und sie hat mir jedes Mal 48 kg angezeigt. Stimmt dass dann wirklich? Ist das so wie ich mich gewogen habe mein richtiges Gewicht? Bin relativ groß (1.76 m) und finde nicht dass ich nach 48 kg aussehe. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand weiterhelfen.
I don’t know if you’ve weighed correctly, but it’s quite possible that a person scale shows less than a person actually weighs.
For example, if the weight is unevenly distributed on the scale.
or if the scale is on an uneven ground; If, for example, the scale is placed on a carpet, it can happen that it yields and thus the weight is not completely transferred to the sensors of the scale.
It is also not to exclude that the scale is not properly calibrated. If the scale is not set correctly, it can deliver inaccurate measured values and possibly display a lower weight.
Sometimes the sensors in the scale cannot function properly or be dirty. This can also lead to the measurement being inaccurate.
In fact, even changes in the environment, such as changes in humidity or temperature, can result in the measurements being inaccurate and the scale indicating a lower weight.
If it’s so important for you to know your weight, you can weigh yourself free in a pharmacy or at the home doctor. The scales there are calibrated and so you can be sure that the weight is measured correctly there.
Normally you should weigh in underwear or naked in the morning after the toilet and before breakfast. You can also weigh in pyjama or night shirt because it does not come to every gram. It should always be the same.
However, fluctuations of 1 to 2 kg are completely normal. Half a glass doesn’t matter much now.
After I read other threads from you, you’re so around the 17 years.
Why don’t you think the 48 kg won’t vote? Do you find yourself thinner or thicker?
I know a girl, she’s 177 cm and 48 kg and she looks really thin. She was about 17 years old.
There are also fluctuations in body size. In the morning you’re normally bigger than in the evening. This can be easy 1 cm difference.
You are tall and very slim and only 17 years old. You could be a model if you want it or model it next door.
I’m afraid this is where desire and reality are going apart. You want to weigh more. I give my previous right: the scale is not lying.
I think Albert Einstein was the one who said, “Anyone who makes the same one hundred times and expects another result every time, spins.”
You are strongly underweight and obviously have an eating disorder as well as a disturbed body perception.
Underweight is not always the same as eating disorder. I’m underweight myself.
You could also say that each overweight has an eating disorder and that would be about 50%.
I don’t think of such an assessment. Everyone is different – fortunately.
Please see the other questions first. If you find it normal to pay attention to calories then I am actually also glad everyone is different. Underweight is not always to be justified with an eating disorder, but in this case already.
We both have no qualifications. I have been dealing with this issue for a long time, but I am not qualified to judge it. I have often deceived myself and so I am very careful with judgments.
And just thought about it. But of course you’re right, I don’t have the qualifications to make a diagnosis.
I looked at other comments and she even ate 3,000 calories. It doesn’t fit for me. Maybe you’re right, but I wouldn’t posaun that out. We both don’t know, and that can really just say a doctor and that’s difficult for doctors too. That’s why I’d rather stay back.
The scale isn’t lying, but your psyche seems to play something for you, normally with eating disorders.
If that was so easy. Most young people and young women feel too fat and are not at all.
In order to really recognize an ES, a single conversation with the doctor is not enough. You have to look more closely.
By the way, the scale can be very wrong. It’s not so rare. It is important to have a smooth base (tile floor in the bathroom and not on the carpet) and then a comparison with other scales. This is the first way to find out if a scale is displayed incorrectly.
If you read the member’s contribution and other contributions, it’s so easy.